I'm a great believer in not letting things that happen in the chatroom affect me but last night two people made me aware that they thought some of my comments and general behaviour in chat were, and I quote, "really nasty". I would take comfort in the fact that they don't know me very well but one of them I have known for a long time and thought I got on OK with. I am really shocked that my thoughts and chat could be taken in this way - I agree I can say some stupid things but only ever in good humour and/or for effect - and never ever would I deliberately be nasty to anyone. I've had enough experience of that myself not to wish it on my worst enemy. I always thought I livened up the room with my presence and made people laugh with the things I say but this revelation has rocked my confidence a bit. I'm sorry if I have upset anyone EVER with the comments I have made. I will still be coming in to chat with you all but this may affect the way I am for some time (although a leopard can't change its spots!) So it may be a less volatile or abrasive Keyser you see from now on. How wonderful for you all!!!

Tutti i partecipanti sono almeno 18 anni di età.