Domenica, 29 novembre 2009 @ 20:44
In the chat we came across a very rude couple. In most cases we do not judge but in case you happen to be that couple.... You are far from being hot enough to be rude over a whisper ....If you dont want them ignore them as we do but to take a shoot at us for asking what are you 2 gonna do must need that much concentrtion to stay aroused!!! Not our problem but to take it out on us just uncalled for.....I am mad that we got treated like that and then alot of people actually went along with it like we did something that unspeakable...Well we wont be in chat as usual anymore so to all our true friends plz send see on here that a quick performance can come between people like that . BUY PORN if you want to watch undisturbed...LOL...Its a freeking chat room so we chat and comment there are places where you can preform and concentrate LMFAO ...... And thoose of you that jumped down our back over a , A as in one simple whisper plz plz plz never bother us again we will be just fine...And those who have no idea what I am going off about go in chat and see just dont make the mistake of using the whisper button LMFAO... 
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