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This is my true story. Everything in this story did actually happen. I have changed names and locations of the people in this book. My participation in the events in this story were completely and totally with my permission and cooperation. I was a willing participant. As a matter of fact, in some situations, I was the instigator.
A lot of this story has strong sexual situations and graphic language.
I have no regrets about what occurred during the timeframe of this story. I am just sorry about the way it ended. I wish the whole thing ended differently.
The emails and texts that are in this story are copied from my records and are how they actually were communicated. Sometimes there was crossover between the emails, text, and phone calls as to the conversations we had. All text conversations are in bold and emails are italicized.
I did not use an editor or publisher. This is a 100% true story and I don’t want to alter it or add filler to make it sound better. I want all the events to be explained as they actually happened.
This account is just the two-month erotic exploration I had with my ex-boyfriend and my husband.
I know that some of the things that occurred were wrong. I wasn’t sure about writing this story or even putting it out there for others to read. But I don’t want to regret not doing this. It is just too crazy not be true was my thought when I decided to write this. I know I am not the only person that this has happened to, but this one is strange for sure.
November 9, 2023 - Thursday
11:54 AM
What color is your hair?
Wow, why would he ask that question first unless he knew the answer.
The answer was red.
It has to be him.
I don’t know if I can answer. I am so nervous. My husband isn’t home yet. He is on his way home from work. Maybe I can tell him we finally got someone to reply after months of trying to locate him.
I hadn’t talked to him in over 36 years. I just stare at the email on my phone. The email I sent was a final attempt to get a reply from him.
Now I get a text from Ron. Let’s Go. I go outside to wait for him to pull into the driveway. Moments later, I open the car door and get in. Off to Starbucks we go. Should I tell him now or wait until we get home. It would be a short ride, only about 10 minutes round trip. Once we get back from Starbucks, we go inside and Ron has his work station hooked back up. I sit in the office and open my laptop.
I click on the email tab. It is now anxiety that I am feeling. I have a big smile on my face. I look at Ron and I say “He replied”
“Really, what did he say?”
“What color is your hair.” I answer
“Answer him.” Ron said
One simple word, RED I reply and hit send.
“It’s got to be him, right?” I asked
DING. I got an instant reply.
What was your nickname?
On my God. It is him. How am I going to answer. I had a hard time even saying the nickname I had over 40 years ago.
Ron stood up and was behind me now, watching over my shoulder. “Well, tell him.” he said
No, I don’t know how I am going to get around to tell him without saying it.
My reply is It was the name of a Ted Nugent Song.
Then I start to think about it and I reply again with Just to be clear, I am only looking to catch up and say hi.
I don’t want him to think I am trying to hook up with him or asking anything from him. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.
He must have been waiting for my reply, because again I get an instant reply that said Well, call me and he includes his phone number.
When is a good time? I ask
Right now! Again, with the quick reply.
Oh no! I can’t call him right now. I have to relax and calm myself down. And Ron is working. I want to wait until he was done for the day. After all, contacting him was Rons’ ideas. And right now, I feel like I am 14 years old again.
I will call you later tonight after dinner I email him.
I sit here without a thought. Just staring blankly into the ceiling. I am so surprised that he had answered. I close my computer and have a big grin. Butterflies are definitely fluttering in my stomach. I am not a confrontational person. I would just relax and try not to think about the call too much. Maybe I wouldn’t call. The last time I had talked to him I was kind of a tease to him. Maybe he didn’t remember that part.

Tutti i partecipanti sono almeno 18 anni di età.