zebrawalk informazioni personali

  United States
  • zebrawalk

  • Occupazione: Business/Hospitality
  • Interessi:
  • Sesso: Uomo
  • Data di nascita: Ottobre 1960
  • Gruppo etnico: Sud asiatico
  • Situazione personale: Relazione aperta
  • Attitudini sessuali: Eterosessuale
  • Fumatore/fumatrice: No
  • Altezza: 180 cm 5 ft 11 in
  • Corporatura: Corporatura media


East Indian who has now lived in the US over 23 years. Always interested in adventure fun and sex. Laid back and non pushy and respetful towards others. I have a kinky streak and love to enjoy variations. Good conversationalist and sincere friend.

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rajasthan100 said:
thnks for my story cmmment , u can read the other parts too
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  • lyncanplay2
  •   United Kingdom
      58 anni
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