The last of three orgasms after sex last wednesday

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00 min 39 sec
This is the last of three orgasms my wife had after we had sex on Wednesday. See previous posts for the other two. You can see that this last orgasm is not as powerful as the other two and can be easily missed if your not paying attention. Positive comments are always welcome.
Masturb. femminile
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Mandato da: sw6996 on 2011-04-15 19:23:17
Mandato da: onewetip on 2011-04-16 22:27:21
I so want to eat your pussy
Mandato da: athens123 on 2011-04-18 09:46:38
we love this meaty pussy
Mandato da: polaris_50 on 2011-04-25 14:51:43
It's not hard to spot a faker, just as it's not hard to spot the real thing. This young lady may, in fact have a less intense orgasm, but an orgasm just the same. Knowing the oft' and typical consequences of prolonged sexual indulgement, one can't help but wonder and contemplate the sweet delightful flavours layed out before us. I know you look good, I bet you taste good, and I can't help but long for the opportunity to indulge in such a feast of all the senses.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2011-05-14 13:30:39
panty play
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