Golf ball Wife

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00 min 16 sec
Wife pushing Golf ball out of pussy
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Mandato da: martyn61 on 2010-05-26 14:07:04
always thought golf was a waste of a good walk. will think again, lets see more
Mandato da: edalbert34 on 2010-05-27 22:06:57
I can watch this over and over and never get tired of seeing it.
Mandato da: rayanderson73 on 2010-05-28 19:37:23
Wow. You can really stretch that pussy. I love it. Maybe we can see some our your other pics in video format. Ray
Mandato da: sluttygirl0001 on 2010-05-30 04:28:36
Your Pussy spitting out that golf ball is so sexy. Can wait to see more of your videos.
Mandato da: chickietx on 2010-06-01 23:57:54
Just wondering if this is the same fluffy from Flickr? Amazing, what other things have you inserted in you pussy and do you have any other videos? if your not the same Fluffy that fine, Your video is just awesome
Mandato da: ironballs12 on 2010-06-05 03:28:52
I love the way you squeeze that ball out Fluffy. Can wait to see Anal Golf ball insertion or other crazy but cool insertions. To me you are a queen of insertions and Flickr. love, IB12
Mandato da: rostko on 2010-06-08 14:01:45
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