cock for hire

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08 min 36 sec
I was a male hooker a few years ago and Mel and Dennis want to do a bi 3some with a BBC...they turned out to be 2 nice fucks, anytime they call I'm there with cock in hand
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Mandato da: Anonimo on 2010-04-05 22:01:25
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2010-04-08 04:20:26
I love Black Cocks - The thought of sharing one with my wife is intense - I would love to have her suck you to get you hard and have her guide it up my ass. Love the feel of a big set of balls on my ass and being stretched while my wife watches.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2010-04-27 22:46:18
I've been trying to get the wife to go black for the last six months. After watching your video, she finally agreed. She wants 10" of uncut black cock. I'm not sure how to find the lucky guy who's going to get a great fuck from a white girl, but I'll do what I can.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2010-05-21 21:23:51
Love your big black cock. Would gladly suck you and have you take my ass.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2011-02-02 13:49:39
j'ai connu cette situation, mais je sucais simplement l'homme, avec ma femme, puis seul, elle regardait!!! c'est l'uns des videos les plus vicieuses de yuvutu!!! la grosse mome est complètement africanisée, elle devore le black, et a le visage complètement ravagé!!!
Mandato da: leigh_cd on 2011-12-17 20:17:38
Wow that guy took a fucking. Very hot
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