fucking ass and fisting

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01 min 45 sec
Bev is fisting my old lady as we take turns fucking her ass
Orgia/A quattro
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Mandato da: bashfuldan on 2010-03-20 23:14:42
did anyone consider that a tee-shirt was covering up the ass fucking??? and instead of truning the camera from a fisting to an ass fucking, why not back the camera up 18inches, botyh could be viewed at the same time. believe me i know when jackie and i shot we used super 8 mm and we made every mistake in the world lol great subjsct a little longer would be nice too thanks
Mandato da: bashfuldan on 2010-03-20 23:15:19
did anyone consider that a tee-shirt was covering up the ass fucking??? and instead of truning the camera from a fisting to an ass fucking, why not back the camera up 18inches, botyh could be viewed at the same time. believe me i know when jackie and i shot we used super 8 mm and we made every mistake in the world lol great subjsct a little longer would be nice too thanks
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