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11 min 47 sec
More of me cumming hard :)
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Mandato da: refillguy on 2009-07-08 20:04:49
i see you put up another vid .....great view and nice movements glad you took the time to enjoy your the tats on your leg ...the vid was nice but the lighting is a bit to bright and distorts the view of that pretty pussy maybe on your next vid you could show us how the climax is just a small peek at the wetspot after you cum and the pulsing of your hole ... im sure you play with your self a lot and your just teasing us you can do yhings that would make us come in our pants ya and hope to see you cum again real soon ..stay wet ...jon
Mandato da: torlandomtl on 2009-07-09 13:58:08
Thank you again for a cock-hard video that made me cum. You have a beautiful cunt and it's wonderful to see you enjoying yourself in front of us. Still think you should spend a bit of money (about 75 dollars) and get yourself a better resolution cam, and use more light when camming. You would be able to get outstanding video which we can watch full screen. You have such a nice looking fuckhole
Mandato da: wezleyb on 2009-07-28 02:54:01
I would sure like you help you next time you need to cum. I am very good with my tounge....
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-09-22 17:22:06
lovely...especially the end when you spread your sweet legs, exposed your brown eye and fingered your clitty! just wish i could have heard you moaning as you orgasmed and saw that bung contracting as you did! no more clips? let me know why!