Playing at the Y

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04 min 33 sec
Eiacul. femminile
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Mandato da: 2lvrs on 2024-11-05 12:47:41
I simply love playing at the Y and helping my bride to enjoy a squirt. I find watching and listening to her sing out her enjoyment of the pleasures she feels turns me on tremendously, I honestly don’t know of anyone who doesn’t enjoy these pleasures, Do You? Yes she squirts, but it is not a major stream as many portray, which in reality it is most often just a normal P. Rather for my bride her squirt is more of a flow, sometimes it can be a lot but mostly a gentle flow that floods and gets very slippery which provides for in my mind the world best lube but sweet to taste. Than
Mandato da: 2lvrs on 2024-11-05 14:11:33
Thank you for the nice comments to our posts, we love to read what you like. I do suggest for you to get the most out of our videos you use head phones for the best listening experience. Enjoy the Y
Mandato da: hombreguapo on 2024-11-05 21:21:12
beautiful couple, beautiful video, you are both very good, sincere congratulations
Mandato da: girth55 on 2024-11-11 08:25:21
She has such a nice pussy, I enjoyed watching you giving it lots of the attention it deserved, and also hearing her reaction. Very erotic vid!
Mandato da: dan-ton-q on 2024-11-12 15:11:56
2Lvrs the best fuckers around since ages. Thanxx for sharing the bride.