favourite dick

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01 min 30 sec
Two of them were below-average, but one of them was.... 9/10. Well shaved, uncut, quite big and thick... I removed my top and my panties (before staining them any more...) and left just my skirt and my shoes on. I realized they were all incredibly hard, but didn't move an inch, allowing me to follow my own rhythm. So I knelt before them, made a ponytail, and started slowly sucking my favourite one. Just the opposite of what I had done before with the first dick... At first I only used my tong, but then I started to use my lips. Just, REALLY slowly. One of the dicks I wasn't touching disappeared, and one hand touched me. He was a bit aggressive, so I smacked him and, surprisingly, he didn't insist. So I kept having fun with my delicious dick. After a minute or two, I was already on full-blowjob mode, and with the excitement I hadn't realized that another dick had appeared where the aggressive man was. It didn't look bad at all, so I decided to masturbate one dick while sucking the other, and switch! My favourite dick was staying strong, but the newest one was clearly about to cum... And this time I did allow him to cum in my mouth. He didn't cum much, but it did taste wonderful, so no complaints on my side.
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Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2024-09-24 02:16:26
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