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16 min 26 sec
I found this video long ago, more than twenty years ago. Both my wife and I loved it. Now I found it again, and wish to share it. This girl has the MOST striking reaction of pleasure when she orgasms. Enjoy her beauty, freshness and absolute shattering first anal orgasm.
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Mandato da: jennyjenjen on 2020-07-20 09:51:47
Brilliant, had a nice wank watching that X
Mandato da: danidj on 2020-07-20 15:13:56
Maravilloso video !! Qué gozada de penetraciķn anal !!
Mandato da: horny50 on 2020-07-20 23:58:39
I can understand just why you & your wife enjoyed that because she is a beautiful natural beauty with an air of innocence that belies the reality that she is a pro porn star. I doubt that his cock was the first to enter that inviting hole & 20yrs later just imagine how it has been stretched. My partner & I both in our 60s enjoyed & indeed recanted it to the extent that our failing joints would allow. Thanks for sharing & making an old couple horny.
Mandato da: secretosmios on 2020-07-27 03:28:29
My pleasure Horny50. Cheers
Mandato da: hipsandcurveslover on 2020-08-09 16:08:29
so cute
Mandato da: dersharer on 2021-05-20 09:43:40
She is fuckin adoreable and fucking adorably.
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