An ass fucking followed by a long shot of cum

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01 min 00 sec
The end of a long session of fucking. I get lucky and she wants me to stick my cock in her ass then shoot my load on her. The coolest thing is that apparently my balls are large enough and hang enough that in this position they slapped her pussy and clit/clit ring and she came. IT WAS COOL! Sorry for her arm blocking some of the massive load I shot all over.
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Mandato da: mow98 on 2009-02-03 08:29:04
Mandato da: winger70 on 2009-02-03 08:38:27
great vid ! you're both hot as hell ! more !
Mandato da: kcphotoman on 2009-02-03 09:59:48
You are one fortunate fellow! Who is this? Is it your wife?
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-02-03 12:49:09
Mandato da: betelmann on 2009-02-03 13:29:17
I loved it so much I can forgive the blocked view of the ejaculation. Let's see much more of you pumping her. Tremendous clip, I just wish it had been a bit longer. Wonderful!!!
Mandato da: ukmaturecouple on 2009-02-03 13:40:25
She didn't like the first penetration did she, that big meat must have hurt her tight little ass, great to see her expression as you pumped her though, and the cum shot was impressive, but it would have been good to see her ass and a better view of the pwerful cum, never the less a great vid.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-02-03 13:59:56
yes fantastic so more anal please... continued
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-02-03 14:59:04
Was so great to see her pain face as you stick the meat in her guys are the best..hope to see more vids soon...;P
Mandato da: boman_diver on 2009-02-03 16:18:39
great Video!! Does she know she is being filmed?
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-02-03 16:52:19
What's her address?
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-02-05 00:58:19
Brother great video. I'm guess that load went 8 feet. If you would of came in her, her hair would be plastered to the opposing wall. Great passion too little lady :} It's a five *****
Mandato da: tidmode on 2011-04-20 00:18:19
That was hot and I didn't want to see you cum outside her anyhow. I don't know why people want to see that. Who want to watch some guy jerk off, which is what most cun shots are. (not that you were doing that)
Mandato da: 99money on 2015-06-22 17:44:47
Good one!!!
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