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02 min 20 sec
MMM I just Love riding my Little Lady while my Buddy records it for us. Let us know if you enjoy it as well.
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Mandato da: soggybottom on 2008-10-31 10:26:46
Mandato da: punpui on 2008-10-31 12:24:23
Wonderfull feet !!!!
Mandato da: badmax on 2008-11-02 05:56:55
That was awsome! You have one hot wife and to let you film her is wonderful. Thank both of you for sharing.
Mandato da: vysta on 2008-11-03 00:19:28
Hot and sexy lady!! Love your vids.
Mandato da: peruvian_boy on 2008-11-03 04:44:59
Nice to hear her moaning ... she's so sexy! Her asshole looks tempting ...
Mandato da: rmaui808 on 2009-05-09 19:15:56
Filipinas are THE Best! Your Wife is no exception! I currnetly foudn an "attached" Filipina who has NO problem EXPLORING her sexuality! Keep u the GREAT work and tell your wife we LOVE what she does for you....and us!
Mandato da: rmaui808 on 2009-05-09 19:44:04
I have a new Filipina I am fucking, and she is FANTASTIC! You know how it feels and tastes. Tell her I LOVE It.
Mandato da: rmaui808 on 2009-05-09 19:44:05
I have a new Filipina I am fucking, and she is FANTASTIC! You know how it feels and tastes. Tell her I LOVE It.
Mandato da: caldonia on 2011-04-18 14:50:53
Great close up view of all the action. You and the camera guy know what your doing. thanks
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