just a fuck

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01 min 09 sec
just a clip of us fucking. i like it. hope u do 2. god we need someone to film.
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Mandato da: emgee on 2008-10-06 09:00:20
We wished you wouldn't be that far away, we'd tape you in any possition you like.
Mandato da: southmancman on 2008-10-06 09:17:20
I don't see how having a cock in that beautiful woman could be called just a fuck. It is a pleasure to watch you guys, and I only wish I could be in the queue with the other million people who will want to film you. Thanks xx
Mandato da: dougiestyle1957 on 2008-10-06 15:18:45
you are a good looking couple, until you find someone to hold the camera why don't you use a tripod and add some more lights. You both do good work. Thanks for sharing. dougiestyle@yahoo.com
Mandato da: cpl4vidswap on 2008-10-08 08:13:01
Your camerawork is wonderful, but next time I make it over to California I'd love to volunteer. maybe you could do the same for us in return one day ... you two are always sizzling to watch.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-01-20 14:12:42
so, when we can see, some anal scene? (excause me for my bad english)
Mandato da: andyt29 on 2009-05-06 21:12:04
thank you for panning up to show us the look on her gorgeous face as you drive into her....more, more, more of that!