Who is the best 3 with sound

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03 min 27 sec
you want sound ok but it's really bad, sorry
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Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-08 09:04:24
They are the best, I needs fuck the ass of your wife.
Mandato da: nice_troll on 2008-09-08 09:24:54
Mandato da: torreypines on 2008-09-08 09:29:42
I love the boots, the lingerie the gaping ass - everything!! More please - and cum in the mouth please!!
Mandato da: yuvutuq on 2008-09-08 10:08:00
Mandato da: joecool_501 on 2008-09-08 10:59:28
She takes it really well up that fine ass of hers.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-08 11:05:43
love all the vids,chat mail me mickmick51@yahoo.co.uk
Mandato da: amateuranal on 2008-09-08 11:35:16
thank you for your comments, it 's very exciting! I love sodomy!
Mandato da: horny50 on 2008-09-08 12:26:15
Is great with hot female ass and she sure got it....beautiful sounds....5* * * * *
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-08 12:45:34
I think the sound come from her pussy, great video
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-08 13:05:37
grat ass, great sounds..wish i could help 5*****
Mandato da: lenoel on 2008-09-08 13:14:28
now is ok !!! do you see the comments ? ... everybody likes to hear those " exciting " sounds ! you are really the best ! never have seen such a beautiful ass ... being penetrated so easily ! it seems that your ass is bigger than your vagina , bigger than your mouth ... and bigger than any other hole ! congratulations ! you are , by far , number one !!!
Mandato da: jiji75 on 2008-09-08 13:38:05
salut puree madame un un cul superbe j adore vos video
Mandato da: lenoel on 2008-09-08 13:49:25
my wife is really curious ( by the way she wants to have an ass like yours !!! ... we are working on it ! ) and wants to know your age at the moment you have been " defoncee " by the first time ? and how you got such a nice and open ass ? she wants to give me pleasure just the way you do it !!! do you have some comments for her , how to be like you ? By the way ... would like to see your tits !!! is it possible ? ... only your tits ! it seems you have them pretty nice according we have seen in your first video " amateur defonce anal 1 " ... please can we see them ? as usual , congratulatio
Mandato da: ezride on 2008-09-08 14:06:15
Great with sound. Would like to see a combination with this angle and the other from below. I like to see her pussy and ass making all those lovely sounds.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-08 14:26:58
montre nous quand tu decharges dans son cul, à combien on peut la bourrée, si elle veut un ocean de sperme faites nous le savoir
Mandato da: amateuranal on 2008-09-08 14:30:30
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, i love you ! yes, this is my pussy that sings! when its dick between my butt, my pussy deflates, you like that?
Mandato da: scobi on 2008-09-08 17:50:25
I love the sounds your pussy makes! Anybody who has been with a woman like this can appreciate it! 5 stars! Made me very hard!
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-08 19:11:47
this is perfect a very sexy bum i wouldnt mind tapping tht ass mmmmmm the sounds got me rock hard very VERY nice!!!!
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-08 19:38:30
u have a very sexy pussy and ass i wanna fuck her tht guy is very very lucky treat this girl right shes amazing =]
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-09 03:00:36
I bet you could take more than his dick very nice asshole he's one lucky fucker
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-09 10:03:49
Je vous déclare officiellement Numéro 1
Mandato da: belamant44 on 2008-09-09 11:43:39
Une des plus belle vidéo de sodomie ! le cul de Madame est un véritable bijou. Je l'embrasse de tout mon désir. Et merci d'avoir laissé le son, c'est absolument fantastique... il ne manque plus que les doux parfums s'exhalant de ce beau trou dilaté pour que le plaisir soit complet. On voit que vous êtes de vrais amoureux de l'enculage et que vous savez en jouir parfaitement. Bravo ! continuez à vous donner du plaisir et à nous le faire partager.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-09 19:56:26
Une de nos séries favorites, continuez :))
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-10 22:20:36
renversant, sodomie avec le tonnerre génial bientot les éclairs et fist prochain, un peu de gel et vous etes a top du top, merci ! à très vite pour ++
Mandato da: andyvegas007 on 2008-09-11 10:44:54
vous montrer que le sperme provient de son cul merci
Mandato da: the-guru on 2008-09-11 14:05:01
the sounds of sex but in this case it might not be a bad idea . she has a nice ass and thanks for posting . hope to see some more
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-11 20:45:35
rather have no sound this her farting through out the video. ps.. try some man scaping u hairy fuck
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-12 21:16:05
Ho le veinard....hummmmmm
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-12 23:35:13
Wow that's awesome! Does she like fisting?
Mandato da: littlebill on 2008-09-14 00:34:24
Don't apologise - the sound adds to the authenticity. This is a 5 star clip!
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-17 18:02:46
tu semble etre un roi de la technique anal! j ai vu tous tes "insert films". j'apprecie bien sa generosite de s'offrir a toi. Ton desir est grand et puissant!
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-09-18 06:38:08
ca c'est un CHEVAUCHEMENT!
Mandato da: womenlover3000 on 2008-10-02 15:01:29
Absolutely superb, for sure the best anal on the site. Please keep posting your videos WITH sound. That is as important as your sexy asshole. Thanks to your man as well who let us enjoy your body. He is a damn lucky guy. Please post more...
Mandato da: badsinoo on 2008-10-14 14:01:44
quel cul !!! et surtout quelle chatte !!! si ouverte, bruiteuse ! comment a-t-elle fait pour avoir une chatte aussi bien dilattée ? j'aimerais bien, la prochaine fois, la voir se faire prendre par la chatte…
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-10-31 01:52:11
A mulher é muito gostosa e tem um cu delicioso, mas como ela fica muito relaxada, entra e sai muito ar da boceta, mas isso é normal. Agora o cara não tem muita pegada, repare que ela mal geme.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-10-31 19:28:53
if I have to chance meet with you I want from your girl friend to teach my girl friend ass fuck
Mandato da: azzlovr on 2008-11-01 21:55:43
Great video, sound and all. I love seeing her ass full of dick.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-11-10 06:39:50
i love the farting. keep it up send more thx
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-02-20 08:16:53
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2009-03-19 13:05:20
elle est superbe je pense qu'il lui faudrait une autre bite en plus non ?
Mandato da: darkside2003 on 2009-03-25 19:07:11
De voir ce cul ouvert mais surtout de l'entendre vivre, respirer, vibrer de plaisir sous les coups de pistons de Mr (decidement quel chanceux)
Mandato da: ajthewarrior on 2009-10-04 13:50:18
very nice. you guys are the best so far
Mandato da: alberto70 on 2009-12-12 11:44:21
A very sexy and beautiful girl! Wonderful butt hole with a beautiful farts! I love you!!!!!
Mandato da: maxmuster on 2010-03-15 13:20:18
anythink fantastic!
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