My Shy 22yr old girlfriend blindfolded and fucked by my 40yr old boss, while i watch part 1..wmv

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04 min 19 sec
My Shy 22yr old girlfriend blindfolded, probed with big black dildo and fucked by my 40yr old boss,for his birthday while i watch .
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Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-08-30 16:58:41
You're hired and i'll pay ya more GUARANTEED.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-08-30 20:10:27
your some friggin kiss ass pimping out your whore g/f for a bosses dick
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-08-30 23:21:12
truth is,,this girl looks about 15 and he is a dirty old man using the "boss" as a cover story.her BF watching? camera fixed? all bollox
Mandato da: littlebill on 2008-08-30 23:56:38
Geez mate, I hope your boss gave you a good rise after that, 'cause your g/f certainly gave me one! I look forward to Part 2.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-08-31 02:24:00
What?? No way can we see what the girl looks like? It's just two people guy on top.. too much guy.. So, forget the, boss/etc.. It's boring!
Mandato da: obzerver on 2008-08-31 05:21:41
wow! that is hot!!! happy b-day, boss!...
Mandato da: palotexxx on 2008-08-31 05:26:34
I think you were more interested in filming your boss' ass than the action.
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-08-31 05:57:02
I'll give him my gf but he better give me that hot ass of his for me to enjoy. Did you eat his creampie afterwards? Hot !!
Mandato da: Anonimo on 2008-08-31 18:21:14
When you got to the part of the job application that asks "Are you willing to whore out your gf or wife to boss?" you probably should have checked 'No.' It wasn't a trick question, but now your gf is a trick.
Mandato da: pabloyu on 2008-08-31 19:32:06
Very exciting. Her or his birthday?
Mandato da: moskosel on 2008-09-01 11:08:32
..soooo hot !
Mandato da: jax1n2 on 2008-09-03 01:49:23
Who cares!! it adds content/sexuality to your video. Keep being imaginative and enjoy the sex, and please keep posting more vids of this little hottie of yours. It would be great to see you come out with another vid showing "your boss" having another go at your GF, except this time, show yourself in the vid standing by watching them. Or don't? just keep showing her off!! Thanks!
Mandato da: obzerver on 2008-09-20 04:12:18
what a wonderful time they seem to have had... very nicely captured; Happy B-Day! :)
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