Dino my lover

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10 min 00 sec
Sorry guys, first time video editing with free software (no sound) This is my lover (married woman), one of those time that I managed to put a hidden camera
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Mandato da: ballrr on 2008-05-14 00:18:50
Dude, you ought to give lessons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mandato da: underthesun on 2008-05-14 00:38:13
were your feet really that cold - jeez, lose the friggin socks already! she's totally worth it!
Mandato da: annayjay on 2008-05-14 05:48:06
She kept looking at you dick. she liked, and she said she'd love to give you a bj, and would like you to fuck her..... and she'd want me to watche her getting fuck by your dick...... come check our vid, and check out her ass. she is gotta a nice ass. leave us a comment.
Mandato da: belladonna on 2008-05-14 06:50:57
You have a very nice cock and know how to use it. She is having a good time, thanks for posting.
Mandato da: horny50 on 2008-05-14 09:35:46
God love making...and she is really hot!!!
Mandato da: joecool_501 on 2008-05-14 11:27:28
Great clip. Love to see more.
Mandato da: nice_troll on 2008-05-14 16:33:56
Mandato da: pbp on 2010-01-05 01:15:56
You are Gorgeous---where were u when i was cheating??? LoL. Did her hubby ever find out what she was up to? Mine finally did and it was very bad for awhile till i convinced to be happy with sharing me and enjoying the whole experience of my pleasure. Now he actively helps me in finding partners and takes care of photographing and filming the experience. still new to us, but much funner than when i was only cheating:)
Mandato da: mike82rock on 2010-02-17 12:45:33
her name is Dinora Febles
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