Black Girlfriend

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03 min 33 sec
Turning out my chubby black girlfriend. Post comments if you'd like to see more.
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Mandato da: ricky_tick on 2008-05-01 10:23:12
Please, unleash those pendulous orbs of joy!!!
Mandato da: gothtri on 2008-05-01 11:27:32
hot looking GF agree more orbs out next time plz :)
Mandato da: horse812 on 2008-05-01 12:01:05
nice. think about losing the bra. I'd love to see those big tits.
Mandato da: call4ed on 2008-05-01 12:26:07
Please, let us see her without that bra. I want to see those big titties swaying and swinging while you do her doggy style.
Mandato da: ru4real on 2008-05-01 12:28:15
fucking her but I couldn't see whom it was. A little better centering and this would really be hot. She is beautiful loose the bra so we can see those tits. thanks for sharing
Mandato da: sebasion on 2008-05-01 12:41:35
lose the bra and show a little more of her either her pussy or ass
Mandato da: joecool_501 on 2008-05-01 12:50:42
Thats the way to fuck that pussy. Like others, I too would love to see those titties without the bra.
Mandato da: mushaie on 2008-05-01 13:57:51
I'd like to see those tits and hear some audio, I'd also like to be buried in that ass.
Mandato da: lou50 on 2008-05-01 14:40:25
nice video, but I have to agree with everyone...lose the bra and let those beauties hang!!! thanks for sharing her with us and please post more
Mandato da: sonicdream on 2008-05-02 04:33:01
Damn, that was hot, bra on or not, I dig it either way. I've had my share of big girls, big guys usually do, but I've yet to try chocolate. Looks "delicious", would love to see the camera in front so we can see that big round ass slamming and shaking. Thanks for posting!
Mandato da: dilligaf on 2008-05-02 05:08:10
IMO.. a White dude and a Black chick getting it on is hoooooooooot. But yeh.. please release those puppies!!
Mandato da: bustafish on 2008-05-02 06:49:17
she is gorgeous !!!
Mandato da: moofie on 2008-05-03 03:41:48
She looks great!!! Would love to see more of those big black titties
Mandato da: ultimacd on 2008-05-03 04:11:18
By popular request, a nice titty vid is on it's way
Mandato da: ultimacd on 2008-05-08 05:14:44
Yeah, she bought that thing for me too lol
Mandato da: davej1022 on 2009-02-28 19:16:16
SHe is a white boy's dream! Big fat ass, lovely full dark tits and a fun personality.
Mandato da: babylarababy on 2010-07-12 13:06:42
What a bum, sexy girl, more more more!
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