After a night of Dogging

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01 min 26 sec
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Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-11-25 22:07:44
my ‘girlfriend’ (girl who’d been letting me kiss her for the past month or so) had made the very exiting promise of giving me my first blowjob one weekend my parents were gonna be away. I really set the mood—candles and shit, the whole thing. She’d yet to touch my penis—no girl had. I was so hyped. She came over and we started making out immediately. Just the thought of what was coming had gotten me harder than I’d ever been. Like… very, very hard. So hard that, when I felt her hands inching toward my dick, I came. On the spot, just like that. We were both extremely rattled. She stopped textin
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-11-25 22:08:53
All throughout high *****, I took a moral stance against blowjobs. I wasn’t a prude or anything… actually, I lost my virginity at 15, which I feel is pretty young. For whatever reason, though, I found them degrading, and I just had zero interest in shoving a hairy, ugly penis down my throat. Fast forward to my freshman year in college, and my tune had totally changed. I was hooking up with this devilishly hot guy one night and decided that it was now or never. Of course, we were both totally trashed. So trashed that, immediately after he came, the guy vomited right on his floor… and then I vom
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-11-25 22:10:12
“The first time I gave head was also the first time I kissed a guy. He was 24 and I was 18, but I lied and told him I was 21. I’d been going down on him for what felt like hours when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I obviously didn’t plan on picking up, but somehow, my ass answered for me. All of the sudden, I heard my mom screaming into the phone. ‘Nick??? NICK, WHERE ARE YOU?!’ It was 3 a.m. and I hadn’t called or texted to say I’d be home late, which was really rare for me. But I was distracted, you know, by the blowjob/my first gay sex experience. Now I had to pick up. The guy listen
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-11-25 22:12:18
One night she was doing a pretty good job and I got very enthused with my hip thrusts when I felt a warm, wet sensation on my crotch. I was laying on my back and I looked down and saw what looked like A LOT of splooge. This confused me because even though I was close to coming, I didn’t think I had actually achieved orgasm. The come was chunky to the touch, very dark, and much more viscous than any semen that I’ve ever seen shoot out of my dick. My first though was that I she had given me some crazy hybrid VD that made my come all thick and chunky. I dismissed that, but my mind was still ra
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-11-25 22:14:27
I was living on campus during my third year at college. She was a hot blonde whom I had barely just started seeing. Ridiculous huge boobs, pretty face, the whole deal (she wasn't too smart though to be honest, so maybe not the whole deal). We hadn't done more than made out a couple times. She calls me, buzzed on a weekend night, begging me to escort her from a party where a sketchy dude was hitting on her. Rarely in life do us men get to feel like the knight in shining armor, so I hop to it. I rushed over, met her, and told the dude that "I can take it from here, thank you much." He didn't loo
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-11-25 22:14:29
I was living on campus during my third year at college. She was a hot blonde whom I had barely just started seeing. Ridiculous huge boobs, pretty face, the whole deal (she wasn't too smart though to be honest, so maybe not the whole deal). We hadn't done more than made out a couple times. She calls me, buzzed on a weekend night, begging me to escort her from a party where a sketchy dude was hitting on her. Rarely in life do us men get to feel like the knight in shining armor, so I hop to it. I rushed over, met her, and told the dude that "I can take it from here, thank you much." He didn't loo
Mandato da: john494u81 on 2015-11-25 22:42:46
so hard now!!!!
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-11-26 00:39:06
There was one guy in the room with them, so quite impromptu they asked him if he'd judge. He accepted, they blindfolded him, gave him blowjobs in turn, then asked him to rate.
Mandato da: 99money on 2015-12-04 20:42:16
Nice one
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2015-12-17 22:24:59
Ma participation au concours : Boules de Noël
Mandato da: britishmade on 2016-01-05 00:33:36
simply amazing!
Mandato da: northernenglandcouple on 2016-08-09 20:45:22
Thanks so much for your Kind words about our photos and videos... encourages us to continue to make more!!! We do appreciate you making time to tell us an gives us motivation...Love Carol
Mandato da: tommi8305 on 2016-08-25 06:12:54
So ist das schön.