52 minutes,with sore backs!!

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57 min 42 sec
well its been awhile,i have a bad sciatica issue now and the wife went to the e-room last friday for a pinched nerve,shes been floatin on vic. and val. the last week here is our first sex since last friday and it was painful at times. but stll 52 minutes....most vids here are only 10 max, anyone want to buy some vids in the future,as there will only be clips here and full length by sale only,or private requests fullfilled(dress,fetish,role play ect) woodyhunter@hotmail.com
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Mandato da: frankoh54 on 2007-10-26 19:24:40
Most men only dream of having a partner like you have. She totally enjoys you. Thanks for sharing...and if I may one bigg wet kiss for her...
Mandato da: marko7t4 on 2007-10-27 09:05:18
Please dont turn to the camera again like you did at 22.49 cos you just looked a bit mental, good vid though :-)
Mandato da: floorman on 2007-10-27 12:16:07
I bet your wife walks around a lot in public without a bra on. And honestly it works for her because her body is built for it. Let's face it, gravity will have a hard time pulling those down. Don't get me wrong she should keep them out of a bra. She can be a real turn on to any guy as she walks down the street.
Mandato da: jimndonna on 2007-10-27 12:20:49
LOVED IT ! Especially when Ne took your load ! And the way she laughed as if saying HA HA YOU DIDNT GET ANY IN MY MOUTH !!!! And then when she called you a Nut ! Dont mind guys like the 1 above me ! I BET HE NEVER EVEN POSTED A VID ! XXXDonna
Mandato da: jimndonna on 2007-10-27 12:24:11
Actually 2 above me now !!! And I was right NO vids posted LOL
Mandato da: woodyhunter on 2007-10-27 13:13:27
arent worth what they say thanks for the kind words folks and donna u know how i feel about you and jim(especially u) xxxx mike
Mandato da: showitoncam on 2007-10-29 08:25:17
Would love to see good hard anal.
Mandato da: shakymad on 2007-11-12 11:23:43
fantastic video!!..would b even better without the background noise,so we could hear more of her moaning...
Mandato da: studdman_456 on 2008-07-22 01:23:20
sorry about this but this video is to dark to be seen
Mandato da: vladdtoo on 2010-11-24 02:23:04