A burning asshole, a carrot and the dialectic relation between the two

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02 min 43 sec
her asshole was burning after all the misuse, her pussy was crazy from being denied to release all this sexual tension and her spirit was broken as the time progressed. She had lost every hope of getting a permission to come, as she misused the one that was given to her 15minutes before. She knew she could only blame herself for her difficult position. -------------------- So there comes a carrot introduced in her assholr, a vegetable so easy for her on other occasions, now burning her deep inside. And the last part of a long session. She was denied to come for a further couple of hours (untill midnight), and even then she couldnt make herself come. The next day, was a busy day full of work, and when the night came she was unable again to come by herself. It took her 2 full days to finally release all the tension from this session, and a couple of weeks to really get over it. Though she WAS a bad girl after all.
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Mandato da: franke63 on 2013-12-09 19:53:57
Die Karotte möchte ich gern essen. Nachdem sie schön braun aus ihrem Arsch kommt.
Mandato da: medoso on 2013-12-09 20:57:28
@franke63 gekocht oder frisch? :)
Mandato da: enigma13_75007 on 2013-12-10 02:45:25
She is sexy, well done. Any vid of the aftermath of her pooper being used. Good job of getting that carrot deep
Mandato da: medoso on 2013-12-10 10:09:22
@enigma13_75007 im sorry this was the last part of the video. I then fucked her up in the ass once more so I could releave myself but didnt film it. After that she was so exhausted she couldnt really move much even when she was burning with desire to come
Mandato da: kcob on 2014-02-20 08:41:52
... von geil! Und ganz in der Nähe :) Gruß aus Berlin Kay
Mandato da: scania_lover on 2019-03-29 21:53:06
????? ????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???!!!!
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