ptol60 informazioni personali

  United States
  • ptol60

  • Occupazione: military (retired)
  • Interessi: ...reading, writing, imposing stiff-dick-Discipline upon-submissives..and other average activities,.
  • Sesso: Uomo
  • Data di nascita: Agosto
  • Gruppo etnico: Nero
  • Situazione personale: Relazione occasionale
  • Attitudini sessuali:
  • Fumatore/fumatrice: Si
  • Altezza: 5 ft 10 in
  • Corporatura: Corporatura media


I'm a typical, thick-dick, Black-Mack-Daddy with the normal, irresistible-lust for stiff-dicking the living-daylights out of soft bundles of tender, succulent & submissive white-flesh. PS: No, I'm not actually 99--haha

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Who Am I?!

 With certain  necessary  omissions (specific names..locations..etc), I composed the proceeding text in lieu of sundry observations which I've made over the course of my life. Like most strictly, sexually Dominant Black men, I am possessed by a congenital and frenzied desire to fuck the living daylights out of soft and supple bundles of naked, white flesh! Although it has taken me the better part of my life, I have finally come to grips with the revelational fact that there is NOTHING that arouses my masculine nature nor stiffens my  thick-swarthy-dick nearly as much as the sight (or even the thought..for that matter) of a seductively limp-wristed, ass-wiggling, sexy white sissy-slut! who enjoys--and looks so-o-o very fine--wearing full facial make-up, nylons, high-heels, et al types of tantillizingly feminine girl-gear.

NOTE: The vast majority of sissy-gurls with whom I have interacted, to date, have been white; personally, I find them not only much more desirable to me (in terms of their deliciously stark color-contrast to my own dark complexion), but also more committed to (and adept at) rendering total satisfaction to a Black Daddy's dick and spiritual-essence than are any other racial or gender-types.

--and I for one thoroughly enjoy using this stiff-standing 'battering-ram' that nature has provided me as the means to increase the degree of femaleness--which I find so very endearing--in a proper sissy's behavioral attitude. As a Black-Dominant-Class male-adult, I consider it my job ( I see it) to Dominate, subjugate, feminize/womanize (with perpetual stiff-dicking-discipline) my sissy-cock-slave for the dual-purpose of momentarily soothing some measure of the Mandingo-sexual-tension that regularly plagues my bulbous male-member (which would otherwise impede every aspect of my capacity to comport myself as a civilized being in society)..and..obliteratinig all traces of my charge's erstwhile masculine self-identity. Sincerely, I mean no disrespect to any reader who may take exception to the singular view of my personal beliefs and opinions. Thus, I take my leave. Thanks for taking the time. Peace/Out.

Sincerely, Ptol60

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