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MessaggioForum: English   Inviato: 2009-06-17 12:40:10   Oggetto: What's with the nasty comments ?

Just to add my two pennies worth, i don't give a damn about those annoynomous nasty comments. Its part of life. Infact, i had some nasty racist comments on mine but i deliberately left them on to show ...
MessaggioForum: English   Inviato: 2009-06-17 12:30:15   Oggetto: Poor lady

methinks, your hubby is suffering from some low self-esteem hence he sees the need to make you submissive to him by making you fat against your will. I saw a similar documentary some months back where ...
MessaggioForum: English   Inviato: 2009-06-17 12:19:35   Oggetto: move on.

.......matey! she's ur ex- so why are you still hanging on asking people to comment on her big breast. does she knows u posted her video for all to see? bet not. u'r one sad individual.
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