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cannot logout
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Messaggio cannot logout 
I recently discovered that I cannot logout of yuvutu by using the button above. It automatically logs in again, even after several tries. For privacy reasons I find this quite annoying. What's the reason for that, can it be fixed? Thanks,



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This question is best sent straight to Admin, using the feedback link at the top of the page. It is an odd problem! Hope they can sort it out for you.

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When I clear my cookies, temp files etc etc it automatically logs me out - so if you need to be logged out you could at least try that until admin comes up with a better solution for you

Lying is cheap, but honesty costs nothing
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Messaggio thanks jamieuk 
clearing the cookies does the trick (temp files didn't), doing that every time I want to log out is ok for me,


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Messaggio HOTPOLAR 
ffs you still sucking up to those useless cunts?shame on you

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Messaggio Re: HOTPOLAR 
[quote="GUEST67977"]ffs you still sucking up to those useless cunts?shame on you[/quote]

your sad impotent attacks just continue to make you appear small minded individual that spits his dummy when he didnt get his own way.

L'ultima modifica di stu_uk il 2009-05-18 22:24:19, modificato 1 volta
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Messaggio hotpolar 
i would love hot to suck up to this useless cunt mmmmmmm hot hun mwahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Stu, Martin ... what can I say but thank you to both of you. No guesses as to who sent the message ... he left me the same one as an off-line on Yahoo. To GUEST67977 ... I'm enjoying myself here ... why can't you just leave me alone??

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