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My wife loves to fuck
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Messaggio My wife loves to fuck 
Very Happy

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Messaggio :( 
Unfortunately .........Mine doesn't, Can I borrow yours ? :wink:

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Messaggio mine does so much i need the big "v" 
have you ever fucked a mustang ?
well take my word you get a lot more then just fucking,
i need the big "v" to keep up, i guess i am just am old mare humping a filly.
sure worked for the last 13 years


mustang & babe
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Messaggio Re: My wife loves to fuck 
oldkinky ha scritto:
Very Happy

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Messaggio hi 
Hello Fellas

Unfortunatley, my wife does not like to fuck that much at all as well. She claims that she has spoken to her friends and they feel the sameway. What the fuck is going on.
Get at me.

baldheadman2004 at yahoo.com

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Most of my g friends have little interest. I'm the different one and unfortunately my husband now has diabetes Sad

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You are a very lucky man.

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