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Stoping IMs and more dockingspace...
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Messaggio Stoping IMs and more dockingspace... 

Canīt you find out a way to stop someone from IMing, like a button that you klick on if you donīt want any IMs??
And how about some more dockingspace? At least 2 more places... And something so you can dock just audio??

Thanks in advance

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although i dont suffer to much with IMing dock space for just audio would be great :)

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Messaggio How to block IMs 
It is possible to block IM's. This is how:

Go to "Your Account" / "Site Settings"
Select "no" for "Hide your online status:"

As for more docking, we will look into it.

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Messaggio im'ing 
thanx for the way to shut off im's. I am going to try it.

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Don't you mean click "yes" for "Hide online status" ??

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Lisa is right... shame on you admin *waves finger*

I can't get all spiffy like Jelly did.. all I got is paint lol. I can't make free hand circles worth a damn.

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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