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Uploading and Organization
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Messaggio Uploading and Organization 
Ok i joined the site yesterday because i have a lot of videos and pictures to share and i mean ALOT!
I even happen to have a couple with a few minor celebs that i know a lot of people would have enjoyed but because of the bad uploading rules where i have to wait until my photos and videos have been personally seen by mods or admins and the bad organization (*can't move around photos onto different albums and change order etc.) i won't be using this site and will be using another one which caters better to its uploaders who are the people that actually make the site what it is!

Now i wonder if this thread will have to be run through by the mods and admins too before it even makes it to the forum? LOL

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Sorry your unhappy about how the picture and video uploading is done but, it sound's like you want to upload other peoples stuff and not your own. If your a webmaster or can prove you have paid for these videos from other people there would be not problem uploading them. I scan video's all the time and do not remember having seen any submitted by you as of today.

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Messaggio lol 
minor celebs?, do they know you are publishing their intimate bits all over the web?

if I had read that I wouldn't approve your vids either, but like Saxon I too have never seen any of your videos for my approval.

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