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"50 Views" Error
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Messaggio "50 Views" Error 
I just tried to watch a video, and I received the message that I had hit my daily limit of 50 views.

Problem is, I've only watched 2 videos within the last 48 hours. Sounds like a server problem to me! :-/

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Same here Evil or Very Mad

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sorry, that problem has been fixed.

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BOO HOO me too - i have not viewed anything today and my first vid was rejected saying i have reached my total - how will i get through the rest of the day and night OMG! lol

Can you adivse what I should do and if this happens again in the future my legs crossed (for once) that it won't Laughing

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Yep, just popped up on me as well... there's nothing you yourself can do Bille other than report it here for the admin to fix.

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There ould be other explanations:

- you might think you have started a new day, but you might be in a different time zone to the yuvutu server. So if you viewed the limit less than 24 hours ago, there is a good chance you will need to wait a little longer before your count is set back to zero.

- if you play the same video twice, then it might get counted as two views (if you refreshed the page)

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Could be - except those of us who report the problem don't come anywhere near 50 views a day (and, according to Admin in another post, most users don't come anywhere close). It's a known issue. Admin will have it fixed by the end of the day.

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I'm joining the list of those who, after viewing only 3 or 4 videos, get a message saying I have reached my limit of 50. This has happened each of the past 3 days. Guess the admins haven't quite got things sorted out yet with their servers.

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The main reason why this is happening is because videos from what people think are "yesterday" are still being counted as within the 24 hour period.

There may be issues of double counting that we are looking into.

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