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Messaggio Hey 
Why I m banned on chat?

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Looks like you have been banned 3 months for harassing the ladies and not listening to repeated warnings to stop by room moderators.

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Messaggio not sure 
I don't know what went on exactly but if you've been banned then you obviously broke a fundimental site ruling, you receive a ban after being warned several times.

If you persist you are then removed from the chatroom

So, either that, or you're under 21

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He was told countless times about the room rules and chose to ignore myself and other moderators. Was muted and kicked many times, before this ban was put into place.


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Ok.Can you unban me? i will be good

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Messaggio Re: a 
brazzers123 ha scritto:
Ok.Can you unban me? i will be good

I seriously doubt that. I vote no.

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Is not a vote bro .................. :) Is your call , admin will ask if he complains to them if you want to take it back .................... stand your ground ................... my input ....................... for what it's worth nowa dayz lol ............


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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brazzers, I don't know why you were banned but the 'rules' of chat are there to make the experience pleasant for everyone. If you were not following the rules of the room - be it no directing, no harassing, whatever - you were probably warned and you chose to ignore the warning. You may of course ask admin to undo your ban, otherwise we'll see you when your ban is up and I hope you come back to chat and enjoy yourself.

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Messaggio Just get a new account 
Many here have multiple accounts. I think some even talk to themselves!

Next time cool it, and follow the rules and suggestions from admin.

Constantly harassing the women who willingly show what they want makes no sense!

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i see my message was removed... that actually proves my point.... lol... favortism AND censorship... hooray!

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