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Some good times
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Messaggio Some good times 
We were just talking about how much fun chat used to be.. Where have all the good times gone?

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You could learn a little Spanish Laughing Laughing. We miss you!

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Messaggio agree.. 
we also miss the good times in chat..a few regulars have gone,who we miss..but hey times move on.we also used to love reading blogs..poems,feelings,stories..now its just self advertisment...where have all the good times gone?p.s we miss you two.xxx

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Messaggio Chat Rooms 
As a newbie, most of us want to see cumshots and boobs

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I dunno.......I think chat is whatever the users make it. We (me n Barbi) still have a good time in chat.....
Billy, I would be surprised if chat wasn't fun if u guys are in the room. You always seem to be able to light the room up.
Quit bein a Negative Nelly.

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Lamento que no supiéramos más español sólo para ser capaces de ponernos junto con unas otras personas atractivas... Hope U dos hace bien y le echamos de menos realmente tipos muchísimo..

Miss a few of you as well..

OC,grrrrrrrrrrr We were not being that way at all. Just seems that every time we go into chat it's dead is all.

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Nah I know what you mean bro.....Certain times of the day I been in there and it looks like a ghost town.
I'd still be surprized if the room didn't fill up quick if you guys was there for a while tho. Been getting lots of whispers , peeps asking where you guys have been. Lots missing the both of you......Well Missy mostly lol Give her a slap on the ass and a kiss from me bro. xxxxxx

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