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New Chat Room
Do you like the new set up?

Yes 30% 30% ( 22 )
No 49% 49% ( 35 )
It might grow on me 19% 19% ( 14 )

Voti Totali : 71
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Messaggio Who's in which room? 
The ability to be in more than 1 room at a time may have sounded like a good idea, but when entering a room it now contains screens of users who are not actually there. Trying to get a response from fellow chatters is now much more difficult, and I think that users should have to exit a room in order to move to a different one, as used to be the case

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Messaggio Suggestion 
It think that with time people will accept it, but something that can work better will be identify if the person is a couple a women or a man, in most of the cases using the chat you don’t know who is who, so you lose some time discovering and at the same time we use more resources making chat slower.

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Messaggio ^^^ 
agree with the above post 100%

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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