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How about Picture?
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Messaggio How about Picture? 
I love video's, but how about a section for pic's in our profile? Video's are great put picture's are great too.

Thank you.

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They're working on implementing photos in profiles as well as a photo gallery, last I heard.

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Messaggio New implementations 
People should remember that new implementations can result in more lag, i think concentrating on the lag problem should be resolved first, before any new features are added

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pictures on the profile page will not increase lag.

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Messaggio Re: New implementations 
[quote="trustinme"]People should remember that new implementations can result in more lag, i think concentrating on the lag problem should be resolved first, before any new features are added[/quote]

Sounds like with the recent implementation of giving paying subscribers and mega contributors priority on the bandwidth will help to address the lag issues. Non-paying trolls aren't going to put up with the slower services and will find someplace else to bug people. ;-)

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