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Chat TV
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Messaggio Chat TV 
Hi, i had an idea for the chat room.

How about a fake user, (a bot) that is logged into every chat room. Their cam could then show short clips of videos recently posted. so for example, it could rotate 30 second clips form each genre. posisbly even put some adverts in there too. It would certainly help advertise what can be done with the site, and give people something to look at when the room is quiet.

Going a little further, how about a "preview" pane where uses can watch a video showing us High res clips, again on rotation, and possibly the advantages of being a subscriber.

What does everyone else think?

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Hmm, clearly no one is too impressed. oh well, it was just a thought!

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We can put in video clips into the chat room, however to put in recent videos automaticall will require a lot of development.

I have given you a 24 hour trial subscription.

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Thank you Admin. The 24 hour subscription was wonderful.

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