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Messaggio Gloryhole 
I been to a few,they are not many left,in fact if anyone knows any in Suffolk let me know.
I came across a couple once , she was in a duffel coat in the mens waiting to be fucked,i loved every minute of it, she knew exactly what she wanted and I obeyed.
It was a brilliant experience would love to do it again. Cool

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Messaggio Regular User 
I visit a local glory hole in Melbourne called Spartacus about once a week or fortnight for a bit of oral giving and receiving. You stand outside the glory holes, (there are 12 of them) and when a guy you like goes into one of the rooms, you take the one next to it, put your hand through the hole, and if you get a response, then drop your pants and slide your cock through. Most time I get a good sucking session happening, the ocassional wank and more often that not he offers his arse, which most times decline.
For me, it's just a good place to give and recive oral, but never see any females there, it's always males.

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Messaggio Regular User 
I visit a local glory hole in Melbourne called Spartacus about once a week or fortnight for a bit of oral giving and receiving. You stand outside the glory holes, (there are 12 of them) and when a guy you like goes into one of the rooms, you take the one next to it, put your hand through the hole, and if you get a response, then drop your pants and slide your cock through. Most time I get a good sucking session happening, the ocassional wank and more often that not he offers his arse, which most times decline.
For me, it's just a good place to give and recive oral, but never see any females there, it's always males.

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OMG this love all the posts here. I totally get turn on by him letting me suck his cock and telling me what to do. I sucked this guy off in the John at a party the other night and when we told me to drink it all done and dont spit I got so turn on he could have done anything to me at that point I was his bitch. Also men smell so good and I cant get enough of that.

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Messaggio Melbourne Glory Holes 
I first went to a glory hole lounge about 12 months ago, and at first ot was exciting but I was hesitate. I went into the booth, stripped off and started playing with myself. A few minutes later, I heard someone go into te nex booth, and put they put their hand through the hole, I gave them my cock, and he started to wank me, mmmmmmmmmmmm
I pushed myself up against the wall and enjoyed the pleasure as he jerked me off harder and harder, not taking to much time before I blew. After he finished, he offered me his arse to fuck, and it was at this point I got scared off, no condoms and I asn't sure whether he wanted me to lick it or fuck it. Either way, I politly said no, got dressed and got the fuck out of there.

Within a week, I was back, and as time has gone on, I am now more relaxed, know exactly what I want, and I am more particular about the guy I play with it. The last 3 times I have been there I have not used the glory holes, just haredthe room with a guy and played there, including a small audience last week watching me getting sucked off.

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Messaggio i visit my local gorly hole every day and i do whatever they 
i visit my local gorly hole every day and i do whatever they want from bj to footjob to anal to vaginal to handi to boob job or whatever other feetish they have and on those specail days they even want to **** on me and i love it

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