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adverts in the bottom right corner....
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Annoying and intrusive and it sucks. Worst I have ever seen on any site in fact. Bet it doesn't continue beyond the 7 days, lol. What an awful idea as time will prove!

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Messaggio Fix for Opera Users 
Apparently theres an extension in opera to block the ads......


It seems to work.. so I was told :D


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Messaggio Fix for Macbook Pro / Apple users 
Try this one



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Messaggio Internet Explorer Fix 
Try this



gggrrrrr... any more OS I have missed..... I am tired of this now... when do I get MY chance to just chat and not sort out peoples issues with this bloody advert???

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Messaggio ad box 
I like many others, have been coming here fairly regularly for a few years now.
I can fully appreciate that the site needs to generate income to survive. However, whilst the ad may be annoying/a distraction/slowing things down, other than what the advertisers pay yuvutu, i fail to see what benefit to yuvu members and indeed yuvutu itself will receive. why advertise other sites???
like others have said, non subscribing members who submit content will never receive a free subscription (which in itself does not help the site financially), and therefore have no real incentive to continue contributing content if their enjoyment is going to be affected by these ads.

One last point i would like to make is, whilst i appreciate this is a porn chat site, i personally would never click on a 'pop up' style ad from any site, let alone a porn site, and i like to choose what kind of porn is on my screen... alot of members (myself included) come to this site because its amateur, and not the crap that is shown on the adverts...even pervs have standards!! Laughing
lets hope we can move towards a sustainable membership/revenue building compromise and get back to what this site does best... amateur chatting and perving in a fun safe environment.

eccosse xx

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Discussion in the ES room today .... obviously the site needs to make money, hence this crappy ad this week. Someone suggested a reduced rate subscription for those who only wish to use the chatroom.. say £15 a year or something... they seem to think people may be more inclined to pay a lesser amount to keep the site going.... just a suggestion from them


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Sweetpea ha scritto:
Discussion in the ES room today .... obviously the site needs to make money, hence this crappy ad this week. Someone suggested a reduced rate subscription for those who only wish to use the chatroom.. say £15 a year or something... they seem to think people may be more inclined to pay a lesser amount to keep the site going.... just a suggestion from them


Good suggestion, even if I doubt Yuvutu can do two different payment process. .. but why not?..

I have made the suggestion to create their own 'virtual gifts/cards' service on the whole site, the owners of Yuvutu are considering this., It could generate money.

Please, If you have another suggestion, post it in "suggest a new feature" forum, or contact admin at: admin@yuvutu.com

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Good to know it's here for a week - means I know how long to keep away from the site. (And it's a crap advert anyway!)

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KentMan ha scritto:
Good to know it's here for a week - means I know how long to keep away from the site. (And it's a crap advert anyway!)

You have been told many times over the last few days how to stop the advert ...you chose NOT to download any of the adblockers ... so you must put up with the ad or stay away from the chatroom

We had a heated discussion over this... you just dont seem to want to help yourself for some reason

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Messaggio adverts in the bottom right hand corner 
Sweatpea - we did NOT have a heated discussion over this. YOU lost it completely and became personal and abusive - exactly the behaviour that a moderator is meant to prevent. You accused me, incorrectly, of "constantly moaning" (which you could not justify). Other chatters at the time commented that my comments were not "moaning" and were, in any case, valid. The pop ups are VERY unpopular.

For some reason you seemed to think that you should continue to harass me in the room. It was then that I discovered that we are unable to "ignore" moderators. I did try!

But back to the pop ups (which ARE causing a lot of annoyance). If, as you say, it is a way of making much needed money it isn't very clever to keep on telling people how to block them. However, I use Firefox which has its own, permanently on, pop up blocker. But this ad does not get blocked and does stay on constantly. It's a bit dodgy to install additional blockers as they can also block "wanted" pop ups on, for instance, banking sites.

I think (and believe) that the pop up is so unpopular with those who do see it that admin will remove it as soon as the site's commitment to it has elapsed. Of course this is only my view but I have to find anyone who likes them.

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I do find the ad annoying, but I do understand it as well. From what i see on my browser, on the video sections there is an ad strip to the right of the videos but not the left side. Why not put an additional advertisement strip on the left side? I would also imagine that other advertisers don't enjoy having large portions of their ads blocked... Many people may not agree with me on this one, but the video loop on the ad is only about 8 seconds long, and I would rather be convinced to watch one loop before every video than have this one stuck in the bottom right. Or if that is too much, every 3rd video viewed or something similar. I understand the ads but I also hope an alternative ad scheme can be found :)

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Messaggio Charging for this site to chat would be disastrous 
I understand the idea of making money since all of communism has fallen for the Capitalists because everyone needs to eat is a noble idea. However it seems that putting up pop up adds is a very lazy way of finding a revenue stream. If you had some really good ideas you would have a lot more money flowing in since there are many ways to tap people pocket book. Charging for chatting would certainly drive me away because of the spontaneity of people coming in here and enjoying the chats. Then you would only have the real pervs chatting and most of us would not be having any fun. I see only real people here getting away for a few hours a day enjoying all common interests in chats. if you charge then there is a certain expectation because you paid money to chat. Sorry this is an awful idea. I dont have a problem with the ad because i had ad-blocker from Mozilla. When my ad-blocker went down for a day I can see why this was annoying. Lose the ad and don't charge for this. Get creative and think a little harder the revenue will come. Thanks for all the fun times in here.

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Messaggio Money 

You get money of us looking!

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