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What happened to Mrs. B
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Messaggio What happened to Mrs. B 
She was nice to look at. She was a basketball fan and loved to show herself outside. Does anyone know what happened? She used to be on our friends list but now I can't find her.

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Messaggio just one of those things 
I assume that you mean Mr & Mrs B - they must have been one of the most long standing, popular & active members on here, seemed to have hundreds of friends & loads of vids but just disappeared off the site a couple of weeks ago, and that means their vids & name has gone for ever. Only admin will know why & I guess they are bound by confidentiality reasons not to disclose why they left. This happens ftom time to time on here, you see unlike with a dog or a marriage YVT CAN be just for christmas and not for life !!

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Not even Admin may know ... you can delete your account yourself any time you want.

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