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a usa chat room
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Messaggio a usa chat room 
how about having a usa chat room in here

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The chat rooms are not divided by country they are divided by language.

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i see someone deleted my .... why ... ??? hmmm

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Messaggio no 
i think this chat is over run with americans eg look how many mods there are need i say more

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Messaggio mmmmmmm 
i fully argee with imatattoofan to many americans in there all ready

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Why the bigotry? What's wrong with Americans?

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Messaggio mmmmmmm 
kelly i think that some americans in chat think that they own the site some can be very big mouthed at times i could mention names but im not going to. some american mods can be very rude

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imatattoofan I think that you will find that there are big mouthed peeps from all over in the SE chat not just america. I personaly try very hard to be fair and not rude with all and it's not easy at times with those who may speak a diffrent language.
And if ever you should think someone is being rude or bad or nasty there is a feedback button at the top of the page. I try to tell people all the time if i did or do something they did not agree with report it :) I personaly do not feel any of the MOD's here in YUVUTU are rude until they have to be .

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Messaggio Re: mmmmmmm 
imatattoofan ha scritto:
kelly i think that some americans in chat think that they own the site some can be very big mouthed at times i could mention names but im not going to. some american mods can be very rude

Twisted Evil I'm a right bossy boots and can be quite gobby and guess what?, I'm a BRIT!

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Messaggio Re: mmmmmmm 
imatattoofan ha scritto:
kelly i think that some americans in chat think that they own the site some can be very big mouthed at times i could mention names but im not going to. some american mods can be very rude

One more reason why the SE room has become what it is. Small-minded, big-mouthed, whiny people like this. Yes, I am an American mod and very proud to be. Just for the record, there are and have been just as many English mods as American mods (as well as Latin mods or European mods in general), but they just happen to keep disappearing.

And like Saxon said (a little more eloquently than I am), American's are not the only rude and loud, obnoxious people in chat. Case in point...the person I am quoting here. Stop all the whining and just have fun. We don't need to turn this into another revolution.

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Messaggio naughty naughty 
who is a silly boy then?

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Wet you beat me to it! Same person posting and agreeing with himself to make it look like others agree with him.

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Messaggio wtf 
oi but you lot dont get it you say that americans and british are good friends then why do you kill are soldiers then say it was friendly fire where the fuck is that friendship i lost a best mate because of you lot and wet keepout of it just another big mouthed mod i see who mutes ppl in chat for fun

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Messaggio .... 

wetchick mutes imatattoofan

how old are you? pfff

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i'm retired air convince usa here and friendly fire happens it is a not planed. we have done it to our selfs in vietnam and i'm sure it has happened in other wars as well with your own killing your own also. but using that as a excuse does not make any sense to me. if you just don't like americans fine just say so, stop beating about the bush in a round about way. i have been hated by many i'm sure one more will not matter to me.

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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