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Fat chicks!
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Messaggio Fat chicks! 
why are all the ladies on here so fat? Its un-healthy and not at all sexy! We understand some people are sexy, even when overwieght....but most of you are not!
Men also are so "out of shape"...they cant turn thier ladies on! WTF?

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Way to win friends MYGRANE. I'm sure you will be very popular here.

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Guess we won't be seeing much of you around here from now on, will we?? I can promise you, you won't be missed! The moral of this is .... if you have nothing nice to say, KEEP QUIET!

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Messaggio WTF !!!!! 
Mygrane, ummmmmmmmmmm just wondering how many times in a day do you get called a " HORSES ASS "

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Looking at your videos mate I wouldn't be passing comment on anyone else !!!

Saggy abs, dodgy boxers and your woman looks like she needs a few proper workouts too


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You took the words right out of my mouth Tallman...people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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This is the best thing you could think to post about? Really? That's unfortunate for you. You know what's wonderful? Free choice - you have it, use it - "fat chicks" don't turn you on? Don't look. Magic, right?

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Guess he did not notice that there were many catagories so that you can choose what you like. Rolling Eyes

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Some people like fat people, this is a site to cater for all tastes... beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that.
You're hardly a stud yourself, looking at your vids.
I also found it rather funny you put your body type as 'extra large'. XL but not a fatty, right?

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Dude.....put the rocks back in ur pocket. Wink

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If you dont like us fatties... dont bloody look !

Easy peasy

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Messaggio lol 
...some guys have no taste and follow the stereotype then.

Curves baby, curves - its all about the curve.

...and the mind....

Exclamation ....mmmmmm

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