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watching and being watched
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Messaggio watching and being watched 
can anybody tell me if they have the same thoughts as us in wanting to have sex in front of another couple not swapping or anything just being watched and being able to watch???? any comments would be great thanks.

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Messaggio Re: watching and being watched 
voyeurist2 ha scritto:
can anybody tell me if they have the same thoughts as us in wanting to have sex in front of another couple not swapping or anything just being watched and being able to watch???? any comments would be great thanks.

We have had several single guys who wanted to watch me and my husband have sex. They didn't want to participate, but just got off on watching people having sex. We've also had the situation you described, when our next door neighbors and me and my husband all had sex in the same room at the same time. We enjoyed watching them and they enjoyed watching us, but we didn't swap. But I have a feeling that will be next! Very Happy


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i would love this to happen to me but my wife would not allow it, i would also like to have a woman just wacth me wank, (any takers) i think this is super erotic and exciting but probally will not happen for me

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i would love this to happen to me but my wife would not allow it, i would also like to have a woman just wacth me wank, (any takers) i think this is super erotic and exciting but probally will not happen for me

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Messaggio public sex 
We've done it in public place in the wilderness, and though I hoped nobody saw us, I was kind of hoping someone did see us (no cam though!) My wife was more concerned than I, but quite willing to take the risk the few times we've done this. I would love to be having sex, then notice someone watching and then masturbating. I'm thinking the sexual energy would add to mine and it would be incredible. It would be even better if a couple stumbled on our scene and then went at it. Kind of a fantasy, but fun to think about.

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i'd love to watch another couple, doubt my fella is into the idea though!

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"" We enjoyed watching them and they enjoyed watching us, but we didn't swap. But I have a feeling that will be next!""

Seems like a common starting point. Wink

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My wife and I have the same thoughts about watching and being watched, but just haven't found the right opportunity to do so yet.

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