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Messaggio Banned 
hello i was banned for age rule but i don't see how this is when it is listed in my profile that i am clearly of age to be in chat. I think the ban was not resulting from a problem with my age, but more so because I was simply asking for a list of chat rules that the moderators would not direct me to and or would not provide for me. Also I was not given any warning or even ample time to respond to the moderators pm. So I feel this ban to be extremely unfair and in poor taste. To ban a person simply for asking for a list of rules of how not to get banned? Where is the since in this...guilty until proven Innocent?


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Messaggio yea 
I can attest to this. Ubud..would not even talk about it or say anything to me because its boring and he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. He kinda just banned at will, and bubbster was literally not even being a d*** or anything. I dont know...this guy went willy nilly with the banning thing.

I dont want any responses to mine...cause its just gonna be an argument..duh.


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There are steps users can take if the believe they have been wrongly sanctioned by a chat moderator. Use the feedback link at the top of any page to contact the administrators of the site and they will sort things out.


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all ready done thinks for the help ^.^

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Messaggio ok... 
the story is a little longer...
when i came into the room, people were talking about a girl, that wanted to sleep on cam and wiper said, he will kick her after she fell *****. then jonasin called wiper a hitler of chat room, the reason why i muted him. after this i was in their focus and they called for chat rules and i gave them the FAQ to read, they said, there wouldnt be someting to be forbidden ***** in chatroom. i had the opinion, they just wanted to have some trouble with us. then i realized the 18 in his name and whispered severel times to him, to tell me his age, he didnt, thow i saw him writing some messeges. i opened his cam and he looked young, then i banned him...i am always open for discussion, but its not the style to go with people wanting to have trouble in the chatroom.
If that guy is over 21, he can go to admin, i said that to him, but if you come back and make trouble, you will go home again, others too. noddy may call a mod hitler, btw!!!

greets Ubud

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Messaggio ok... 
the story is a little longer...
when i came into the room, people were talking about a girl, that wanted to sleep on cam and wiper said, he will kick her after she fell *****. then jonasin called wiper a hitler of chat room, the reason why i muted him. after this i was in their focus and they called for chat rules and i gave them the FAQ to read, they said, there wouldnt be someting to be forbidden ***** in chatroom. i had the opinion, they just wanted to have some trouble with us. then i realized the 18 in his name and whispered severel times to him, to tell me his age, he didnt, thow i saw him writing some messeges. i opened his cam and he looked young, then i banned him...i am always open for discussion, but its not the style to go with people wanting to have trouble in the chatroom.
If that guy is over 21, he can go to admin, i said that to him, but if you come back and make trouble, you will go home again, others too. noddy may call a mod hitler, btw!!!

greets Ubud

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Messaggio mmmm 
Ubud is rigth

one girls user was ***** and i tried to whisper her to be sure ***** because asleeping on cam is not good view. Then i wrote in room " sorry guys i will kick her cam" . One user said that talked with her by skype. I said them can go on by skype . After argue started lots of stupid things etc. I did not ban anyone ut i would ban so much. I learned now that ubud banned one user . It good if only banned him because he call mods are like room hitler

story is that

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why is ***** on cam not allowed? Just curious.....!

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Messaggio i was there 
i was in the room at the time and those two guys were just trying to cause trouble with the mods in the room at the time and comparing anyone to hitler is not right in any society they were looking for trouble and didnt like it when they found it good riddance and well done to ubud and wiper dealt with it in a grown up and sensible way both jonesin and the other guy were told to drop it and where to find the answers to their questions but both still persisted with their silly ***** beahaviour.

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Messaggio sorry 
regardless..i apologized...said i wasn't refering to him as hitler..but more of a tyrant..which was exagerated of course. Im actually a pretty silly dude and i dont cause trouble...and so is bubb..so maybe it would be cool to get to know us first! Very Happy


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Messaggio banned 
ıo have banned for along time why...............................

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Messaggio hı 
have banned for along time why

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krokodil06, please use the feedback link at the top of the page.

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