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Translator of some sort
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Messaggio Translator of some sort 
It would appear that you have a worldwide base of clients, some type of translator in the works ?
Several people asking for chat facility, doubtful that any of them are aware of fast server cost involved with a project
this size, and it looks like projected growth will be strong in the next year or two if it follows the current trend.

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Messaggio Translator 
A Translator is under consideration. The problem is that there is a lot of slang, abbreviations and typos. Nothing out there works sufficiently well.

If there are any experts in "statistical machine translation" looking for a PHD project, please contact admin.

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Messaggio found translator 
I have been using a translator that is free on the web. it has translated most of the sentences, but a few slang still make for WTF sentences. I do not know if I can list its name but search for "word" and "monkey" a Google product.

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Messaggio Re: found translator 
wastelandroe ha scritto:
I have been using a translator that is free on the web. it has translated most of the sentences, but a few slang still make for WTF sentences. I do not know if I can list its name but search for "word" and "monkey" a Google product.

When using Google products, you have to sign the Terms of Service, which does not allow for any of their products to be used on adult sites

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Yes. But you can cut and paste to translate. It is better than nothing. The translator is never attached or connected to yuvutu.

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