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What's with the nasty comments ?
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JellyBrenda ha scritto:
I just ignore the unpleasant comments... after all it takes a negative and positive to make a light shine!

I don't think getting a negative comment is grounds to start a witchhunt, all depends on how serious you take the whole thing I guess.

That is so true Jellybean, But i think the old saying" If you don't have nothing nice to say then keep your mouth shut" applies here. This massivecock guy was not nice to Oc , barbie , me in the new vid that we did with them.Then i just got a comment on one of My photos that My face look's like a back of a bus. from J1M!!!! This massivecock and J1M Have made several comments to people on this site and I don't feel that they are needed especially since these fuckheads don't even contribute anything here in the first place.
Maybe just a report button would be nice for these so called useless tool that like to make comments like this.

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Fucktards who leave nasty comments should have thier accounts deleted.

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http://www.yuvutu.com/geyser123 <<< another guy who likes to leave nasty comments....not just negative, but downright Nasty.

and here's the vid where the nasty comment was left> http://www.yuvutu.com/modules.php?name=Video&op=view&video_id=273317

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I still scratch my head on why these folk do this, if it isnt their cup of tea turn off and go to another movie, but no they watch the whole thing then complain that they didnt like it, thats like buying off chicken, eating the whole thing then, complaining to the deli that it was off.

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Messaggio Wow 
I finally got a negative anonymous feedback:

"fuc*king SICK BASTARD for you to even show this to anyone is beyond me you SICK FU*CK".

It's so over the top I just laughed, and may leave it there. He can go fuck himself for all I care.

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Just to add my two pennies worth, i don't give a damn about those annoynomous nasty comments. Its part of life. Infact, i had some nasty racist comments on mine but i deliberately left them on to show that am more balanced than they are.

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Messaggio Re: What's with the nasty comments ? 
[quote="mnh1367a"]I know this topic has been covered before but I would like to add my twopence worth.
Why are some people leaving such nasty comments on some of the vids ?. If you don't like something you see move on.
Leaving a nasty comment or a derogatary remark is not helpful and stops some people posting more videos.
Making comments about peoples bodies is so immature , it makes my blood boil. We are all different shapes and sizes, but we are all beautiful in our own way. I myself am a slim build but I love ladies with a fuller figure, find them very sexy.
So to conclude , if you having nothing nice to say , say nothing.
Thank you for letting me get this off my chest . :D

Dub :D[/quote]Its goes back the a very old saying...YOU NEED TO TAKE THE BAD WITH THE GOOD"...Also "IF YOU CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN"...you seem to forget.this is a public site.so when people post videos or photos their asking for it.i mean comments.ask for it as in good & yes even bad comments.their putting themself out there.better grow a thick skin.sense when has it be bad to comment negative on something you dont like seeing sense its out there on this site for the world to see it.I dont buy that bullshit about "If you don't like it move on" crap.everyone of us has the right to give positive or negative replys.they should all be accepted.so if you or someone else has uploaded photos or videos then take the bad with the good.because its you that is putting yourself out there asking for the bad & good by uploading.by limiting people to only good/positive comments is taking away the true meaning of FREEDOM of SPEECH.

Hi Everyone.I\'m Michael From Texas,U.S.A.
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Messaggio Re: Wow 
[quote="RearEntry"]I finally got a negative anonymous feedback:

[i]"fuc*king SICK BASTARD for you to even show this to anyone is beyond me you SICK FU*CK"[/i].

It's so over the top I just laughed, and may leave it there. He can go fuck himself for all I care.[/quote]YOU are sick for posting your stuff.I just seen your photos & It almost made me throw up :( ever heard of a razor?...PS: get a penis enlager to.

Hi Everyone.I\'m Michael From Texas,U.S.A.
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Messaggio Re: Wow 
[quote="RearEntry"]I finally got a negative anonymous feedback:

[i]"fuc*king SICK BASTARD for you to even show this to anyone is beyond me you SICK FU*CK"[/i].

It's so over the top I just laughed, and may leave it there. He can go fuck himself for all I care.[/quote]

Mate, I went and had a look at your vids....yummy!! I love to sound with cotton buds, knitting needles (specially crushed for the purpose) and tubing........everyone has things they like. Boring people like boring things. Why ARE there haters leaving shitey messages...?!?! Every human is beautiful in their own way, and sexy to lots of people but not everyone - 'cos we're ALL different. Folk need to stop being twats, get over themselves and fuck right off......erm......

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Messaggio Good Topic 
Well Opened Topic.. My Two Pence is that the People Leaving nasty Comments are self centered & too absorbed with them selves & are very narrow minded view & should be given a good lesson by everyone else..

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