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So is everybody enjoying themselfs in web chat?
Are we still having fun?

Yes 70% 70% ( 89 )
No 10% 10% ( 13 )
Hit and miss 19% 19% ( 24 )

Voti Totali : 126
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admin ha scritto:
There should be no pressure to go on cam. I am surprised you got a hostile welcome, especially as you say most people are not on cam themselves.

Hopefully next time you visit people won't be so rude.

One of the things I've noticed as of late as a way to try to deal with the issue of people who constantly beg women to get on cam is to shame those individuals for not going on cam themselves. Unfortunately I don't think it is having a positive effect, because instead of getting those people to go away, those people start arguing with everybody in the room and causing problems.

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Messaggio are we still having fun? 
I agree with that Kyxtian, there doesn't seem to be a good way of dealing with these people at all. If anything made me vote for hit and miss, it was probably the troll issue, it ruins conversation in the room most of the time.

I try to point out that we women are not paid to entertain anyone on this site and that should be remembered.

Also you get the guys who swear at you because you don't want to watch them on cam, sometimes it is a horrible exerience to be in here as a woman.

But a lot of lovely people are around that keeps me coming back mwahhhhhh

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Well, it might not be very polite, but I try to deal with trolls by spamming them with whispers asking them if they want get their cock sucked and their arse fucked. Doesn't usually take more than a few until they either 1. Shut up 2. Bugger off 3. Get the point and realise that, if they don't like it, they shouldn't be doing it to anyone else.

That said, the danger is that, like I did once, you get one who thinks you're serious and they start stalking you instead! That said, he was quite fit, so I didn't mind too much! 8O

Don\'t know the answer...just say \"nasal sex\"
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Justbob ha scritto:

That said, the danger is that, like I did once, you get one who thinks you're serious and they start stalking you instead! That said, he was quite fit, so I didn't mind too much! Shocked

LMFAO ....


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Messaggio Getting Worse 
I'll be honest....the chat rooms have lost thier appeal with me. Its getting boring and the rooms seem to be more and more full of pests and trolls.
I know this is a sex site but peoples wishes should not be ignored...and many Trolls just ignore people asking them to stop asking for cam, Tits, pussy, wann see my cock (though Billy is the only one who says that to me ... LOL) and they still carry on when the ladies say NO.....

I am cutting down on how often I go in chat at the moment because it has lost its appeal with far too many idiots, arsoles and lots of wankers (by default....LOL) in there.

I know there are others who feel the same or similar. Not for me to say who, but lets hope they see this thread and comment accordingly.

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Messaggio I am not having much fun anymore 
I agree with Yoda, the rooms are no longer fun and enjoyable. Also, after hearing some things about vids being posted on other websites, I am seriously considering deleting mine.

I know that it has been said that maybe there are too many mods, but ask Kyxtian and other mods how often i have to call them on msn to come into the room i am in.

I don't know if more mods are the answer, but more female ones i believe would be better.

Anyway, i am also spending less time on here as i find the chat is not the same as it was. It is not even as friendly as before.

Well, the only constant is change, so change it will, i have still met some lovely people here and for that i will be grateful.

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Well if it helps any..."I'm having a blast again" Razz

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Would a "subscribers only" room help?

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codemonkey ha scritto:
Would a "subscribers only" room help?

Hum, that might be a great idea just to be able to take a break.

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Since I'm not a suscriber, obviously I don't agree. I guess that would make the site less open to new people and lose the "community" sense we have.

I don't know... I belong to a music mailing list where you go to a "nursing" period, i.e. the first 30 days after you register you can watch as much as you want, but cannot talk. Maybe this would stop some trolls.

I mean, if they do some things like pushing women to go into cam, and they get blocked, thay'd have to register again with a new email address. If they had to wait for 15 days (maybe 15 log-ins in different days) to push again, they'd eventually get tired.

Just an idea.

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Probationary period sounds like a damn good idea.

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Is there a way to implement that, though? I think that, more than anything, there is probably a problem with cultural barriers and differences that are coming into play here. If users could spend 30 days learning what goes and what doesn't, both by rules and community values, that might help.

Although the only thing I fear with that is some people would take advantage of a linear 30 days instead of an accumulated 30 days of usage. For example, new person registers, participates for one day, comes back 4 weeks later and finds no restrictions at all.

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Woohoo Seahorse!!!!!

That's a brilliant idea Very Happy I totally agree with you!!!

Please Codemonkey, listen to a good man and do it LOL

Hugs and kisses
Exy Wink

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kyxtian ha scritto:
Although the only thing I fear with that is some people would take advantage of a linear 30 days instead of an accumulated 30 days of usage. For example, new person registers, participates for one day, comes back 4 weeks later and finds no restrictions at all.

Yeah, I thought that too. That's why I was saying "n log-ins in different days". I don't know, maybe it's too difficult to implement that considering it wouldn't stop one of the biggest troubles, which is downloading vids and posting them to other sites. But that cannot be stopped. If it can be played, it can be downloaded. The only thing U can do is watermark them.

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Exwife ha scritto:
Woohoo Seahorse!!!!!

That's a brilliant idea Very Happy I totally agree with you!!!

Embarassed Thanx

Kisses 4 you too

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