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Blog entries counting towards the yuvutu index?
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Messaggio Blog entries counting towards the yuvutu index? 
like many others here, i find a good erotic blog can be as much of a turn on as watching a video - and i hope my blogs stimulate and excite those members of the community that take the time to read my stories and that people get some pleasure from reading the poems i have placed here too.

However, to write a decent story takes a great deal of time, thought, re-reading, re-drafting etc to get to the final piece worthy of posting on the site and allowing others to see. I just think that this effort should be reflected somehow in the yuvu index - exactly how im not sure. But i do find it a little unfair that i can stand in a shower for 6 mins, making a vid and having a damn good time and get yuvu points, yet i have spent many an hour creating prose and stories that go unrewarded.

just a thought, and i am aware of the problems this idea has, but every problem has a sloution somewhere.

and thank you for having this forum to allow me to express my views.


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Hey Jamie!!!!

I think it's a great idea you got Jamie, maybe the admin can find a way to look over the good blogs and work something out, perhaps just have a special one for the erotic stories, and another for just the short little questions, like "watch my vids and let me know what you think" ones..

Your blogs shuld really get some index counts, you write the most erotic stories, you know I like them!!

Mwaahhh to you Jamie
/ xxx Exwife

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aww ty ex xxx - theres another in the way very soon! lol

good point you make about categorising them - maybe there could be an option the submitter of the blog chooses for it to be considered for yuvu index points so that the work of admin is cut down??

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Great suggestion. I 2nd that.

Yuvutu would have to figure out how to filter which blogs would count towards your index. There are some bloggers that just ask questions or they put their email addy in their blogs as a way of "advertising" themselves.

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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What ratings are your blogs getting Jamie? (I am too lazy to check myself).

We could do a score similar to videos: 1 point for every view for blogs rates 3 stars or more.

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hi admin,

thanks for responding to this one - each blog entry i do tends to get between 150-300 views so not a massive readership lol - in total i think i have just a little over 4500 views with all the blogs being rated at over 3 stars.


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