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Moderators in chat room
Has the presence of moderators improved the chat rooms?

Yes, the chat room is much better now 42% 42% ( 126 )
No, those moderators are fascists! 49% 49% ( 148 )
No change; moderators? what moderators? 8% 8% ( 26 )

Voti Totali : 300
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I agree with holly, but I also think that having 1 mod per shift...would be more appropriate, its worked on alot of sites i
ve been a part of and been to. Set up a schedule....or have 2 per shift...instead of 3 or 4 or 5 in at one time.

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I think that is very well said Holly,I couldn'nt agree more, and yes i've also spotted some egotistical power tripping as well.

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L'ultima modifica di a_slut_buddy il 2008-02-11 10:34:33, modificato 1 volta
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I will also add...that if I pissed anyone off..I'm sorry..but.....the thing is....I've seen some mods warn people before they kick or ban em...and some that didn't. I'm gonna get straight to the point and reiterate that you don't need alot or moderators...pick a couple of regs from each time frame, if that doesn't work...and things still are going bad...just make the chat part of the whole payment deal. All I have to say on that. And again I apologize for speaking my mind on a matter that shouldn't have gotten so out of hand in the first place.

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Lion, we are all adults here. I have seen what you were talking about also. Along with bitching about being a mod because "its not as fun as you'd think." And mods who think they have "bragging rights", feeling the need to tell everyone else that they can view cams in different rooms without having to be in that room, ect. Its a shame.[/quote]

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Messaggio Moderators in chat room 
As one of the new moderators, I have to say, it has been a little strange the last couple of days. Like everyone else, I worry that moderators in the rooms will change the way the site is supposed to be. I think we learned the other day with Jason123..., that as moderators, we're only as effective as the banned user's computer literacy. If they use roaming IP addresses, they cannot be banned and it creates more of a mess than anything else when a user gets pissed off. From the beginning, I have disagreed with a lot of the other people on this site about what they consider inappropriate behavior by the people in the rooms. You put a block button on there for a reason. It is up to the person being bothered whether or not to use it. We are in a sex chat site. You have to EXPECT that if you decide to take your clothes off on cam, people are going to look at you and, of course, want you to do things for them. You have people from all over the world in here and there are language barriers for a lot of people who come in here. I don't think there is anything wrong with people asking someone on cam to do something. So long as they are not abusive about it and they don't fill up the screen with line after line of the same request, I don't have a problem with anyone asking me to do something. If I feel like doing it or saying it, I will. If I don't, I won't. I will respond when I want to and ignore the others. I don't think it's appropriate for all the other people in the room to jump on someone's ass about it. Again, if the person on cam is bothered by someone, they should block them. The bottom line is, we are here to have fun and play and we shouldn't lose sight of that. I have to ask though, now that there are moderators, are a lot more people being banned for requesting things instead of being blocked? Will we end up with no one left in the chat rooms because they've all been banned? I have been in this chat nearly every day for over 3 months. In that time, I have only blocked 20 people, and those are because they were abusive to either myself or someone else in the room. Will I now ban them instead of blocking just because I can? That's the question we should be asking. Sorry for being so long-winded, but I had a lot to say.

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Messaggio Moderators 
Moderators ... do we need them? No. We are perfectly capable of moderating ourselves. If anyone gets abusive, or starts harrassing someone, they are not allowed to get away with it. Someone in the room will always say something. And usually more than one person. Basically, we stick up for each other. And we are all capable of sticking up for ourselves. If someone gets really annoying, then we'll block them. Getting them banned does no good at all. They just come back under another nickname. The majority of the site's users are perfectly fine. Some of the rest just need to be told once what is acceptable here. It's because of the very small minority of trouble-makers that we find ourselves having to appoint 'policemen/women'. For the responsible users of this site, moderators are not going to make a scrap of difference ... if someone annoys me, I shall still ask them politely to behave ... and if they don't, I shall block them. Problem solved. Moderator present or not.

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Messaggio Moderators.. 
Personally I really don't think it's made any difference,I'm still using chat in the same way as before to have fun with the people in there whether they be new to the site or veterans.
I very much have taken on board what was written in kyxtians blog and did notice alot of the things he mentioned in there were happening. I think what he wrote was very much the way forward..to try and educate newbies rather than stone them for not understanding chat room etiquette.

As for being there for technical advice I'm not sure thats true...you just got to know how the work the chat room controls to advise someone new how to change room or start their camera or view others cams,which I have been doing when people have asked these questions.

I hope admin are able to see who is banned by which mod,as they ultimately and the ones in charge of the site.

Personally I'm not using the ban as a block button and I don't think other mods have either.

I have banned one particular person(using different log ins)without warning 10-15 times in a row but admin are aware of this user and the problems and upsets he is causing in the room,and instructed the mods to ban him.


L'ultima modifica di justjelly il 2008-02-17 16:34:37, modificato 1 volta
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I just want to say that I'm still the same "crazy" woman as I was before I became a moderator... Perhaps a bit nicer to the ones that I tell to speake English in SE... or the ones that begg in the chatrooms... Before I just blocked them, now I try to tell them in a nice way that you shuldn't begg or direct the ones who are on cam in the rooms... I still show now and then, but not as much as before.... But that has it's reasons. I hope that I can be a good moderator and I thank the admin for asking me to be one...

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Messaggio moderators 
I think that mods can do both...make a room better or make it worse..It all depends on the mod...

To be honest, as a new moderator, I am sure I have made some mistakes... I have spoken in the room with other mods to tell them some of the features and responsibilities that we have... However, I am smarter now, and, we go private to talk about that kind of thing...from now on... It is not a moderator's job to ban someone that needs to be blocked... I ask them to stop begging or directing... And then, I tend to warn that if they dont stop, they risk being blocked... If it still continues, I might whisper to the cammer to please block the person, to set an example...so others do not try the same behaviour... But...none of that changed... I did that all of the time, before I was a moderator... What having mods in the room does is eliminates some of the truely rude and abusive behavior... I have only banned people for that mind of offense... And...I dont plan on changing that... The other thing mods can do is kick people out of rooms for not using the appropriate language... That is not a permanent thing, and just sends them for a moment to the Lobby...

I apprecaite everyone's opinion... And, I hope...in a few weeks you will all say...Mods...what mods...

Chuck aka DCGent

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I agree with hotpolarbear. We do not need mods.

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Well it certainly aint "moderators? what moderators?" right now. But it has kicked up a lively debate which is probably a good thing.

I doubt that it will end up with just the moderators in the room all trying to ban each other before they get banned themselves. I am sure things will eventually calm down and moderators will learn to use a softer approach through trial and error.

I want to say thanks to the moderators who seem to have agreed to a thankless task. And I want to ask other community members to please give it a go for a few more weeks.

yuvutu team

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Who made the Mod selection anyways? Some are ok, others are just there to use there mod abilities to view cocks or tits in other rooms then to brag about it. I think the selection of mods could have been chosen a lil bit better. Ive been to alot of different chat sites but Ive never seen people brag about there abilities like the ones here do.

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Messaggio Emai varification 
Idea If memory serves me correctly I seem to remember having to varify my email address when I signed up for yuvu, I talked to Dilligaf n she thought she had to too...That is maybe something that needs to be done again. If people like that assclown jason123456789 would of have to verifly a new email addy everytime they created a new name that sum bitch would have givin up. Evil or Very Mad My opinion of mods is if your goin to have them they should be on different shifts. We usually end up with all the mods on at the SAME time in the SAME room. Sure they can check cams in other rooms but if they arent in there to see what is being said it makes no difference what so ever. Rolling Eyes

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I agree Bucko. Also I think that us chatters should have the ability to create rooms and view cams from other rooms, not just the mods. I am not directing this at any certain mod, however. I've just noticed yuvu taking a turn for the worse since mods have been implemented.

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