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Messaggio Re: its not magic 
admin ha scritto:
i'ts not magic it's yuvutu

LMAO...nice one admin..

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do you have quicktime on your computer?

try this:

1. Start QuickTime.
2. Click on Edit / Preferences / QuickTime Preferences.
3. Click on the Advanced tab.
4. If "Enable playback of Adobe Flash tracks" under "Media Types" is checked, uncheck it and click on "OK".
5. Close QuickTime and close and re-start your browsers. You must close all browser windows for this change to take effect.

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I have updated my Shockwave. I have the most recent version of Firefox and IE. When I click on a video, all the ads load, and the little "spinning thing" in the video box just keeps spinning. It says "Done" for the video download at 100%, but no video plays. I use WinXP SP2.

and the quicktime prefrences guide.ive been through exactly the same as guided but still the videos doent play
only there is a video window with circular loader, throughout loading and none of the video is played.

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