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new member, gets booted out for no reason, wtf?
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Messaggio new member, gets booted out for no reason, wtf? 
o.k., o.k., i forgot not to mention other web sites... but wtf the didn't have to kick me out, someone could've reminded me... but then again there ya go. i'm hoping that i'm not suffing because some idiots a bigot. i came around to see what the chat rooms about, you guys act as though i've disrespected some-strait english room, sheesh.

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blckinjun, m8 by the time i got the word to you ............... poof you was gone sorry tried :) never talk about other sites is not good m8

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Messaggio lol 
eh no worries mate, 95% of websites that have chat rooms have that rule, but it's no biggie. Cool I get kicked all the time, I just get on another name, or go somewhere else. No sense in needlessly getting mad about it, it's stress you don't have to put yourself through ya know. lol Cool

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