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Self Facials
Do you like "Self-Facial" videos?

Yes - Men 61% 61% ( 35 )
Yes - Women 17% 17% ( 10 )
No - Men 21% 21% ( 12 )

Voti Totali : 57
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Messaggio Self Facials 
I enjoy giving myself "Self-Facials" and I also enjoy videoing the for others to enjoy. Are there any ideas on what I can do to make them hotter?

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Messaggio faulty poll? 
I like anybody's self facial - don't want to choose between men only or women only.

I don't care for hairy faces - clean shaven is always hottest! Also make sure your video has plenty of lighting. Self facial videos must be among the hardest scenes to light, judging by the videos posted here. And of course the closer the closeup, the better!

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"yes-men", "no-men", "yes-women"... am I missing something?

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Mmm I love watching a guy cum on himself, doesn't matter where he does it really. If it's a facial though, make sure you lick up the cum and if you are able to lick and suck your own cock then mmmmm sign me up as a fan Smile xx

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