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Master's training
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Messaggio Master's training 
My name is Pete and I have been married to Vickie for over 12 years now, and over the years our sex life has gradually grinded to virtual halt. I am five foot ten and average build, Vickie however is petite full-figure woman with a fantastic 38DD bust. About a year an a half ago, I suspected her of having an affair, and to my surprise the thought of her with another man turned me on! It turned out that my suspicions proved to be false and I was actually disappointed. With this newly discovered inner desire I decided to try and re-invigorate our sex life: so I suggested to Vickie she take a lover and that I would like to watch. She seemed to like the idea but only as a fantasy and felt too timid to do it for real. For the next few months, we engaged in role-play and our sex life picked up but then quietened own as the novelty wore off. Finally, about 3 months ago, it was Vicky who this time suggested involving a third person. My cock rose to attention immediately and was rock hard there and then. But there were conditions: she wanted a dominant lover, and that if I was to be present, I had to be submissive to this man as well as her. I think she must have got these ideas form some of our role-playing games. Although I had till now fantasised of being only a voyeur and not actively participating, I readily agreed.

With the aid of XXXXXXXX.com and a lot a patience dealing with time-wasters, we eventually came across Mike. We were intrigued by Mike's first email because he mentioned a slave training programme that he had developed and used on several women and was now looking for a couple to train. The idea of a structured training programme appealed to us, as one of the problems with our role playing games was that we quickly ran out of ideas. Here was a man, we hoped, who would teach us something new and would stretch our limits on a regular basis. We arranged a first meeting at a pub on neutral territory. Mike was in his mid thirties, well dressed executive type with grey hair and a young looking face. I could tell Vickie immediately fancied him, she later confessed his smile made her melt. Mike was not leather clad tattooed, pierced, sinister looking or deep voiced person that you often see on the internet posing as "masters". Mike did however exude confidence and intelligence that immediately commanded respect. After a couple of minutes of chit chat, Mike interrupted me with a wave of his hand and said "Ok, we all know why we are here, and in the next few minutes, we all need to decide whether we want to proceed. To help me with my decision, I have these two questionnaires for you both to fill in now - and no conferring". He handed over the questionnaires and two pens he had in his jacket pocket and waited. I don't remember all the questions, but some were simple such as height, weight and age, others were like "what do you expect from a master?", "what would you like to see your master do to your spouse?", "how will you serve your master", "what do you think are your limits?". I understand why he didn't want us to confer, as I was interested in knowing some of Vickie's answers. There were other questions such as "when did you first realise you have a submissive nature", "describe your first experience when you felt yourself being submissive (in a sexual way)". It took us about 20 minutes to answer all the questions. Mike grabbed the answers, glanced at them and smirked, then said "right, I will consider these, and you will have your answer shortly by email. If my answer is positive, we will then meet in your home and I will explain to you my rules and what I expect of you both. You should note that the first session will include a full inspection. I will email you further instructions. In the meantime, do no tell each other what you answered in the questions. Is this clear?". "Yes" I answered. "Yes master" Vickie answered. At this, there was a faint smile on Mike's lips, he got up and walked out.

It was a minute before either of us spoke. "I thought we would get to ask him a few questions too" Vickie said. "Well we don't have go through this if you don’t want" I replied. The truth was that I was beginning to get scared, as this was for real. "Oh-no" said Vicky, "we've come this far, we should at least see what happens at the next meeting, then we can stop, if we want". That night Vicky and I had the best sex ever, it was as if she was on heat! I tried to get some of her answers out of her but she refused to tell me anything!

Three days later, I got an email from Mike. It said that he had read our answers and had decided to proceed with our training. He would come to our home on the following Saturday at six. There was also a list of instructions: that Vickie and I were not to have sex till that date, that we were to be fully groomed and made up for his visit. It went on to say that Vickie was to wear a short skirt, suspenders, stockings and high heels, and that I was to wear silk panties. The hairs raised on the back of my neck - was this what people mean by being in subspace? The idea of me wearing panties was troubling, I was dreading it, yet deep inside me the thought was exciting, I couldn't explain it. Besides it was my first order from my new master, and I didn't want to fail at search an early stage. Vicky thought the idea of me wearing panties was very amusing and quickly got a pair from her drawer and insisted I wear them immediately. To be sporting, I relented and put the pair on. The silky feel on my balls was surprisingly pleasant, and this combined with Vickie's playfulness gave me a ranging hard-on. She mocked my arousal and said "there is no point in having a little erection now, master said no sex till Saturday". She then left to go shopping and buy a garter belt, which she has never worn before.

Saturday, came and both Vicky and I were a bit nervous. It was difficult not having sex the past week even though our sex life was recently down to a couple of sessions a month. The expectation of Mike's visit and his controlling our sex life was recharging our libidos. At 6:15 the doorbell rang and I answered it. Mike stood there wearing a dark suit and holding a single rose. He stepped past me and offered the rose to Vickie who blushed a timid thank you. We showed him to the lounge and I offered him a hastily made gin & tonic (as instructed in the email). He sat in an armchair and motioned us to sit on the sofa.

"OK. These are the rules. You will address me as 'Master'. Not 'Master Mike' but simply 'Master'. You will not make eye contact with me unless instructed. You should understand that you are not slaves, you are not yet worthy to be slaves. You are lower than slaves. You are apprentice slaves. Over the next few months I will train you to become my slaves, and eventually if satisfied with your skills and servitude, I will declare you slaves and we will hold an official collaring ceremony to mark the occasion. You both indicated in my questionnaire that you did not want pain. Well, you cannot become a slave without discipline, and you cannot have discipline without some pain. This is not negotiable. Your first safeword is to be 'Antarctica'. Remember it, because I will not repeat again. If you are so weak as to ever you use it, then I will stop whatever I am doing and ask the other partner whether he/she wants to terminate the session. If he/she repeats the first safeword then our arrangement is over and I will leave, and you will never see me again. On the other hand, if the partner remains silent, then I will continue whatever I was doing. You will then be faced with a choice of accepting your partner's decision or using the second safeword which is 'Titanic'. If you utter this word, then I will stop and leave and you will never see me again. Is this clear?". "Yes master" we both answered.

"Good. Today I intend to examine you both and do a bit of test-driving. Now I am going to sit in the kitchen for five minutes. This is your chance to back-out. When I come back, if you are still dressed, I will leave. Otherwise I expect to find you both kneeling and wearing only your panties and stockings". He got up and went to the kitchen.

I now noticed that Vicky was breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" I said. "Do want this to stop?". She just shook her no and started to undress. Although anxious, I undressed, leaving my pink silk panties on, and the head of my hard-on poking out. I felt vulnerable naked in female underwear. Vicky was still breathing hard.

I heard the master re-enter the room behind us and he ordered "ok both of you stand up and face the wall, Lean against the wall and legs apart. In the corner of my eye, I saw him approach Vickie and slowly he removed her bra and pulled down her panties. Next he started taking measurements of her with a tape measure: her height, her inside leg, her waist, her breasts, her neck. "I am cataloguing you both" he explained and started scribbling notes in a notebook. He then made Vickie turn round, fondled her breasts and pinched her nipples for a few moments. She gasped when he pushed a wet finger into her vagina. He then scribbled more notes. He had her bend over and touch her toes. He pulled her cheeks apart, examined her for a moment then pushed a finger into her. For some reason I had a raging hard on again. He wrote some more notes then turned to me and told Vicky to stand up and take measurements of me, handing her the tape measure. Under his instructions, she took all the same measurements, told him the numbers and he wrote them down. She measured my cock: "five and a half inches master". "Stroke him and give me the measurement of his erection" - "He is already erect master" she giggled. He was humiliating me on purpose, yet I got even more aroused and could feel goose bumps all over. (I later discovered Master's cock was at least 2 inches bigger than me).

The cataloguing went on for a while. He took many notes including our weights, hair colour, notes on scars and skin blemishes. He was making us feel like we were property and it was working.

He sat down and we remained standing. "Right. Now your first lesson is on positions". There were 10 different positions. They didn't have names just numbers, which made it more difficult for us to remember. He took us through the ten positions, then tested us repeatedly. If one of us was slow or got it wrong, we would get swatted with the tape measure. Some positions were standing, others kneeling. All made us feel vulnerable and many were with hands behind the back. He didn't seem pleased by our performance and the swatting got harder. "Position six, Pete" and I quickly assumed the position: on my knees, head bowed and hands behind my back. A couple of swats encouraged me along the way. "Now Vickie, your first lesson in tying knots". Next thing I knew, he was wrapping rope around my wrists, then ankles then linked the ankles to the wrists, all the time explaining to Vickie what he was doing. He then instructed Vickie to untie me and do it again as he had shown. It took about three attempts before he was finally satisfied. I felt very vulnerable and defenceless now. "Now place these nipple clamps on him". She put them on me, they were linked by a chain, and they didn't really hurt. That is, not until she tugged the chain, as instructed by him, and I felt a flash of sharp pain. I was then blindfolded, and the chain was tugged, convincing me to crawl around the room for a minute. I was now disorientated. I didn't hear what he next said to her, but the next thing I new, a bum pressed against in my face. I recognised the smell of Vickies perfume and was somewhat relieved it has hers. "Rim your wife Pete", and I duly obeyed. I had never done this before but under the circumstances, it was very erotic. Vickie was wriggling her behind and pushing backwards trying to convince my tongue into her. I then realised that her constant wriggling was due to the fact that she was giving the master a blow job, the occasional slurping noises were confirmation. "Your husband is really quite pathetic; licking his wife's arse while she sucks off another man … and he even has an erection whilst he is doing it!". It was true and I was ready to explode. This went on for what felt like 10 minutes. I assume he finally came but I didn't hear any grunting. "Now Vickie, your husband has rimmed you well, thank him with a kiss". Vicky swung round, pulled the chain and pulled my head up to hers then French kissed me. In our passionate embrace, she pushed what could only be the master's come and in the heat of the moment I sucked it in eagerly. I had never tasted come before, not even my own, I didn’t really notice what it tasted like just that it was a gooey substance. "Enough" he ordered, and she withdrew.

"Vickie, that was good. Your technique could be improved but we will focus on that next week. I will reward you now. Get into position eight Vickie". Position eight is lying on your back, hands behind your head and legs wide open". Still blindfolded, my head was thrust between her legs and master told me sternly "lick your wife till orgasm", then he gave me a whack on the arse. "Yes master" I quickly said and started slurping away at my wife's very wet pussy. "And to see how skilful you are with your tongue, I am going to time you". I licked and sucked as best I could for what seemed like ages, but this was very difficult given that my hands were tied behind my back, that I was blindfolded and on my knees. I later found out, the reason why it took so long was because he was sitting on her face and she was busy concentrating on sucking his balls. Finally, Vickie started breathing hard, which turned into panting and she exploded into a climax. "That was just over seventeen minutes. That is very disappointing. A well-trained slave should be able to make any woman come with his tongue within 4 minutes. Next week, we will focus on your technique also. However, I just don't think you were trying hard enough either. Which brings me onto another part of your training. I need to teach you the importance of trying harder.

I was then led across the floor by the chain to another part of the room. I was slowly bent forward till my chest was resting on what must have been the coffee table. My panties were pulled down. Master then started explaining to Vickie different whipping techniques: different types of strokes, different angles and different areas on my rear and thighs. At first it was easy to bear, but after a while I was beginning to consider using the safeword, then he said "now give him 12 strokes for his punishment". The first 3 hurt then he said "harder". He said "yet harder" at the fifth. I bit hard as I was determined to not give in. Finally it was over and I was gasping for air. I was made to say "thank you master for your correction". "Pete, you took your punishment well" he said "and I am surprised you did not break, that will be for another time. It is only fair that I reward you. I will allow you to come. But first to get you in the mood, I will take your wife in your presence as I know how much that excites you. My erection had disappeared as a result of the whipping, but it was about to come back with a vengeance. Vickie was ordered into position 3 which is the doggy position and I could sense her face must have been very close to my ear. Soon she was panting, and it was obvious he was pumping her from behind. I could feel her hot breath in my ear. Once again this was very humiliating with me blindfolded and hands tied behind my back and my wife panting in my ear saying "oh yes master! Master! Fuck me please master" whilst a strange man was fucking my wife from behind. Needless to say my hard on was raging and probably dripping pre-come but I could not see. I so desperately wanted to rub it, but there was nothing I could do. Her grunting and groaning got louder and within five minutes she climaxed, screaming in my ear. But he continued for maybe another ten bringing her to two more climaxes, before he finally grunted and crashed on top of her.

It took them both a couple of minutes to recover meanwhile I was still rock hard. "OK Pete, your reward is coming in a second but first I need to talk to Vickie in the kitchen". They came back moments later. "Pete for your reward, Vickie is going to give you a hand job. But you must understand she is doing this under my command, and therefore it is in fact me who is making you come. Do you understand?". "Yes master, thank you master" I replied, desperate for some relief. I then felt a gloved hand starting to wank me. The glove was rubbery, it turned out to be a washing up glove. I wasn't sure if this was a trick: it could have been the master's hand. It didn't really mater, I was that turned on. It turned out not to be master because I then heard his voice several feet away say "you have probably noticed that Vickie is using washing up gloves on you. That is because I don't want her to dirty her hands on your *****. Start using your other hand Vickie". I then felt another gloved finger rubbed my anus which was very sweaty as a result of the whipping. She never penetrated me but has kneading at the entrance with her finger or knuckle. The combined action of both hands made me spurt in no time. I ejaculated more come than I had ever before and it was the strongest climax I had ever experienced, and it was thanks to our master: he made me reach this state of arousal and he taught Vickie this new wanking technique. I felt elated and grateful. When Vickie removed the blindfold from me I discovered he had already left. He did leave behind a typed list of orders for our next session.

We since had many further sessions with our master over the following four months and he took us to new heights of sexual pleasure exploring and stretching our boundaries. I am forbidden by master to give details of the training programme in the ensuing sessions except to say that both Vickie and I greatly improved our slave skills. In particular, we both improved our oral skills: Vickie learned to deep-throat and so did I but on a dildo (dildo training became a regular feature of my training). We also learned massage, bondage and whipping techniques we even learned to cook "haute cuisine" and serve silver service. On one occasion, we used all our new skills to pleasure another couple for an entire evening. Sadly our sessions have become rarer as our Master has moved to London where he is now looking for a new couple to train.

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